1. Dont remove the world pvp

    Hello Warmane Staff. Please dont remove world pvp from warmane.
    This was one of the funs of the game also for players who have a focus on PVP. Also, how am I going to kill my friends Resy and Mineiro?

    Please, reconsider it.

  2. Okay,it seems a lot of people don't know what a pve server is.

    You can still play BGs.
    You can still play arenas.
    You can still flag yourself for world pvp.
    WG and the Gurubashi Arena are still full time pvp areas.

    The only difference is,people can now choose not to participate in world pvp(as they could just as well in the past by sitting at any major city/sanctuary,which is what the majority did).

    Quit your whining,pvp isn't going anywhere,you just can't get free kills(from those who don't care about pvp) anymore.

  3. I for one really like this change. I didn't play S1 but i started a little late on S2, and honestly, the only wpvp i experienced then was higher lvled players killing lowbies. And it didn't matter if i played alliance or horde, both sides were equally as bad as the other. For example, it was almost impossible to do the quests in STV because of gankers. I do understand that people want wpvp, but if you are whining about the wpvp because you can't gank lowbies, then you are just a sad person.

    I'm not very fond of pvp in any mmo, i do play it from time to time with friends, but not much.

    I don't want to remove the wpvp completely, but i would like to keep the changes as they have now implemented, as you are now able to choose for yourself, but i would like to change 1 thing. As soon as you hit 80, you are forced to the regular system of pvp, so that the resources are contested as they should be.

  4. If you remove world pvp, please do not make BG:s crossrealm with blackrock. It is impossible to obtain the equal pvp gear at early stage and you have no chance against them.

  5. I for one really like this change. I didn't play S1 but i started a little late on S2, and honestly, the only wpvp i experienced then was higher lvled players killing lowbies. And it didn't matter if i played alliance or horde, both sides were equally as bad as the other. For example, it was almost impossible to do the quests in STV because of gankers. I do understand that people want wpvp, but if you are whining about the wpvp because you can't gank lowbies, then you are just a sad person.

    I'm not very fond of pvp in any mmo, i do play it from time to time with friends, but not much.

    I don't want to remove the wpvp completely, but i would like to keep the changes as they have now implemented, as you are now able to choose for yourself, but i would like to change 1 thing. As soon as you hit 80, you are forced to the regular system of pvp, so that the resources are contested as they should be.
    Most people think wpvp higher lvled players killing weaker, this norm for them. Anyone who wants WPVP turn this mode.

  6. Urgent measures required

    What are Warmane devs planning to do with the griefers?
    Talking bout those guys who flag themselves as PVP and then deliberately standing in an aoe of a person just aoe farming mobs and then proceed to gank that person after their aoe hit them and they get tagged for pvp too?
    This is a serious problem and a real danger indeed.
    I propose them to give you godmode, so you will be safe while you are doing nothing in world all day long. After all, that's what this game is about (peace).
    Also you will fully enjoy your pve raids with godmode, so you won't risk getting wiped and tryharding again. Because World of Warcraft is not about this, isn't it?

    Peace bruh, and let's hope we get everything on the tray from day 1, so we can chill for the rest of the season!

  7. Better fix your bugs on the servers that appear every day in different aspects of the game, but instead they will delete my message.
    RiP pvp Frostmourne

  8. Better fix your bugs on the servers that appear every day in different aspects of the game, but instead they will delete my message.
    RiP pvp Frostmourne
    have you ever reported any bugs?
    I see 0 reports made by you here: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker

    Btw duels, BG, Wintergrasp and Arena are still available on a "PvE" realm

  9. have you ever reported any bugs?
    I see 0 reports made by you here: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker

    Btw duels, BG, Wintergrasp and Arena are still available on a "PvE" realm
    Ok, Ok, you are right, indeed I did not send reports from this account, but I up a lot of characters over the many years of the existence of the warmain project. And if you do a little more in the game than daily earning two emblems of frost and standing in the capitals, you can notice a lot of unpleasant things.I meet them every day. If I start reporting every bug I find, I just won't have time to play. This does not mean that bugs are not fixed here, they can disappear and then reappear. And about pvp on Frostmourne, I meant world pvp.

  10. Please bring back pvp realm, or atleast make a poll so community can vote!
    It's strange to do that, after 2 successed realms which was PVP no need to do - pve!
    even blizzard understood that pve realm was a mistake, don't copy them pls

    i really hope warmane staff can hear all the pepole here trying to express their opinion and let us vote
    thank you!

  11. I am excited for the changes, including the change to PVE. Why is everyone so sad that they can't gank level 30s in STV on their level 80 character? Now we can level characters without getting ganked/camped.

    There are no fair fights in the open world. It's just rogues abusing stealth on low levels or low gear score players.

  12. Just warmane set to no level 80 attack level below. With that there is no gank at low lv and the world pvp continues. If the only pvp world withdrawal argument is level 80 gank at low lv, this change solves the problem

  13. If You Care About World PvP, You're a Dodger

    Having a PvE server is a good thing. If you care so much and "have a focus" on PvP, then shouldn't you just be gearing up for and playing rated arena? Nothing is preventing you from doing that. Stop complaining about Blackrock players and be grateful that you can't kill people with low hp after farming a bunch of mobs or people lower level than you. Preventing this sort of uncivlized behavior is good for the server population when people can actually play the game without worrying about arena dodgers seeking validation.

  14. Just warmane set to no level 80 attack level below. With that there is no gank at low lv and the world pvp continues. If the only pvp world withdrawal argument is level 80 gank at low lv, this change solves the problem
    Well this isn't going to work either, since my last post said higher lvled players killing lowbies, i didn't say lvl 80 players. Players only have to be a little higher lvl than yourself to have a huge advantage, and if they are 9 lvls or more above yourself, you won't have any chance of defending yourself.

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