The content of the first tier will be available a few weeks after launch.
so we wont get raid content at launch ? i dont understand
this will be my first time playing on frostmourne
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The content of the first tier will be available a few weeks after launch.
so we wont get raid content at launch ? i dont understand
this will be my first time playing on frostmourne
That is correct. We dont get Raid content for 2 Weeks. This time we can use to clear Dungeons and Hard Mode Dungeons to Gear our Characters so we can take on the Raids when they launch.
World PvP while levelling is one of the greatest joys of a fresh server... when there i s scarcity of mobs and materials.. you get to team up with players and beat the other faction (in the process actually damaging their economy and advancement).. it gives a sense of danger in the world and makes a true mmo experience. Anyone who doesnt like this can just sit in town and queue dungeon finder right? Isnt that a better experience for pvers ? There is no point in having a "safe" open world, it just ruins the overall experience for both pvers and pvpers and everything in between .. Please reconsider
They made a mistake and forgot to type x7, hence why people were all over it in the first posts
Okey, that is news to me. Have not played retail since Cata, back when I started in classic I only played on PvP servers as my friends told me to. (changed to PvE in WoTLK)
You can't compare a game like WoW with Diablo, it's not the same thing. Sure, both are co-op in a way, but diablo is just hack and slash, not much tactics or anything and gets very lame after a while. In WoW you really have to work together to complete the raids or dungeons even.
Also i don't really understand why you pvpers always say "if this isn't in the game, we won't be playing.. blablabla". The function is still in the game, if there really is that many people that wants to wpvp that you guys say it is, just turn it on and flag yourself, that way the pvpers and pvers will get what they want. Stop acting like a spoiled little child.
I agree with this to some point but, what will happen when there aren't as much lower lvls joining dungeons? Should people still sit in town for hours to get a dungeon just to have the tank or healer press not to join?
This way pvpers and pvers gets what they want. You guys are saying that there are more pvpers than those that want to pve, so you will all just have to flag yourself for pvp, and then you will barely notice the pvers.
"We have elected this time to make Frostmourne a PvE realm by popular demand"
Everyone I played with on S1 & S2 hate the new "Peace-mode", it's literally game changing, and playing in "PvP mode" doesn't even give you increased rewards or nothing.. Botting will be even bigger than previous seasons..
The community on this forum/discord does not seem to like the change either. Please make a poll for us to vote, or just revert the change, it's not too late.
And this is coming from a PvE-boomer that has played this game for 15+ years with a lot of love for the game.
I just don't get some people complaining. There will be many people enabling pvp, so you'll have lots of players to world pvp with. If you call yourself a pvp-er, isn't it more fun to play with other guys that pvp? If not, maybe you're just a ganker, idk. - lots of love to all the drama queens. :x
The parking lot analogy feels really reaching, tbh. This is a magic world where everyone has powers and it's incredibly violent just by it's nature. If this were transferred into our modern world, people would be getting killed over stolen parking spots too. That's a goofy thing to say. This game isn't trying to recreate some simple, peaceful, streamlined experience. It's supposed to be chaotic, and dangerous. It's the World of Warcraft. The idea that people can come up and kill you is one of the only exciting things that can even happen when you're running around the open world. The monsters are barely dangerous at all once you have any kind of decent gear. You're just arguing for a more sanitized, boring version of the game where you can just log on and do your chores without anyone bothering you. Go play Stardew Valley if that's what your into. Don't ruin it for the rest of us by crying about getting killed in an online game.
"Stop whining, vote for PVP by enabling PVP in the game and leave us PVE people alone." - This is such a dumb comment.
This skews the way world PvP operates enormously. It's now a totally different game. You've distorted all world PVP interactions. The person who is flagging themselves has so much more risk than they would if everyone is PVP. In a realm where everyone is PVP, you can proactively kill people you see eyeballing you or getting a little too close for comfort. In this scenario where you have to flag yourself, non-flagged people can just walk up to you and posture. They can troll you by tagging your mobs without you having the ability to fight back, or just staying around so you can't get to low while they have absolutely no risk. It basically turns everyone into a rogue. You, as the non-flagged person get to pick the rules of engagement which gives you an enormous advantage. All this leads to is nobody PvPing while leveling because the risk far outweighs any "reward" of having some fun. To act like it's totally the same "just flag up" is dishonest or ill-considered.
It's not spoiled toy say that this extremely impactful update to the game makes me not want to play. It's a very big change to the game. As i said in a previous comment, the different between WPVP in PVP servers in Normal/PVE servers is pretty enormous. The dynamics around world PVP are inherently changed when it's optional. If you don't understand that, i don't know how to help you. My point about comparing the games, is that i feel as though people are trying to turn WoW into a very sterile, almost single player, type of game. It appears that you don't want to deal with any chaos or randomness in the world. The game is pretty stale without the world PVP aspect and the random violence that can occur between two people who just pass each other on the road. Everybody out in the world has the same danger and sense of alertness. Of course i could just flag myself and wonder around, but then i'm putting myself at a big disadvantage.
I think a better idea would be to keep it as a pvp server and then implement an honor system that punishes people for camping or killing people of a much lower level. This is all very possible and not a novel idea. I believe that most problems can be solved by balancing and aligning people's incentive. Another option, as others have said, would be to make it Pve, but then give some sort of incentive for people to flag themselves (increased XP, Rep, Gold). As it's looking right now, it's not in my best interest to flag as i'm immediately handing over the opportunity to set the rules of engagement and stack all of the odds in your favor.
^ This.
I get lowkey tilted by those comments, because it must have been those players that spammed GMs about wanting a PvE-realm.
This season has so much potential, I really hope they change it to pvp before launch, half of my guild in S2 wont be playing for this reason alone and it's sad.. :(
Yeah, no, enough of people going "this is World of Warcraft, not World of Peacecraft." The game was originally created without PvP servers. There were only what later became PvE servers, nothing else. At the point PvP servers were created, the other servers weren't called PvE either, they were called Normal servers. Retail even returned to those roots, in an even more extreme form with Warmode. Instead of PvPers being simply unable to damage PvErs, they are on a different "phase" of their own, meaning PvErs don't even have to see them around. So again, no, the game isn't called "World of Warcraft" to justify or excuse rampant ganking, it has that name solely for the reason it's a world-level expanding of the Warcraft games, nothing else, don't try to infuse your personal fantasy into a meaning for the name.
This is some kind of horror. I waited half a year for the opening, because I love s5 and s6 and the world pvp - part of my game (not gank low lvl or obviously weak opponents.) And then this:
It's simple /facepalm
It's not that i don't get what you are getting at, and i myself have nothing against wpvp as a whole. But when it all become a gankfest just for laughter, it gets annoying as hell. As long as the wpvp is against people on similar level it doesn't really matter, but when people are 6-7 lvls higher than yourself or even higher, that you actually can't do anything about. I don't believe that that a honor system that punishes people for camping or killing people of lower lvl is going to help, but of course it depends on what the punishment is. If it's just gold/honor that is lost it won't help at all, since it's easy to earn gold and honor is pretty easy as well. They haven't specified if you have to be in a town to switch to or from pvp mode, but i guess it will work as it is right now. I don't really agree with giving people more xp/gold/rep if they flag for pvp, why should they? They flag for pvp because they enjoy wpvp.