First of all, you are being extremely presumptuous and frankly disrespectful with your comment.
Secondly, you are just whining with no valid arguments. You and all your other "skilled players" (don't make me laugh) that are crying here for pvp server are saying in this thread is stuff like "pve bad, pvp good", with 0 actual reasoning.
Seems to me like the only reason you want pvp enabled for everyone at all times is to try to feel strong by beating on lower level players that cannot fight back. Otherwise, you wouldn't have anything to cry about. Since you, and everyone else that wants to pvp at all times, can still simply do so by enabling pvp for yourselves.
Or playing battlegrounds. Or playing arenas. You know, the actual pvp environment where everyone is actually focused on the pvp aspect. Seems like you wanna just grab a few cheap and easy kills here and there. So, I'm sorry to say, but frankly, you don't sound very skilled to me buddy.
You say that you have elected this time to make Frostmourne a PvE realm by popular demand - while at the same time you have close to no people in this thread celebrating this, but in fact 20+ pages of people against it.
Make this right, and revert this. Seriously.
If you love pvp, you could easily just roll on Blackrock.
If what you claim is true that there are many people who wants world pvp, then just flag yourself and play with the many people who wants world pvp when the server launches. There will be no changes for you if what you claim is true.
I guess ppl just mad coz they cant gank levelers/noob, thats all.
This. I feel sry for people who need to kill low level characters to be satisfied with their gaming experience. Come at me when im 80 and we can have a fair fight. But ganking lows? Pathetic.
why are people unhappy with the server being pve? if you want to do world pvp, flag yourself as such. if people aren't flagged for pvp, guess what? THEY DON'T WANT TO PVP. why are people having a hard time grasping this concept??
why are people unhappy with the server being pve? if you want to do world pvp, flag yourself as such. if people aren't flagged for pvp, guess what? THEY DON'T WANT TO PVP. why are people having a hard time grasping this concept??
Because these people can only enjoy themselves by ruining the enjoyment for others? It's pretty sad really
The problem with the "if you want to world pvp just flag yourself as a world pvp-er" is that no one really does that on pve servers, never. The only time it happens is when world pvp events are organized, otherwise nope.
The leveling process is going to be extremely fast with the warmane rates (which are already way to high imo), honestly it's not gonna ruin your experience to have people world pvping during the aforementioned process.
The only redeeming thing is they had the good idea to offer honor boost to alliance pvp-ers, which should help a little for bgs but well...
tldr, please give us a pvp server, it's more fun this way.
The problem with the "if you want to world pvp just flag yourself as a world pvp-er" is that no one really does that on pve servers, never. The only time it happens is when world pvp events are organized, otherwise nope.
So when wPvP is optional, people chose not to engage in it? Sounds like wPvP isn't as fun as people make it out to be.
So when wPvP is optional, people chose not to engage in it? Sounds like wPvP isn't as fun as people make it out to be.
That's not it, it's just that people don't even think about activating world pvp mode because it's not the philosophy of the server, so why bother? If you give the choice to people, they'll take the path of least resistance, aka the one where they'll be at least equal to everyone else. If other people are immune to world pvp and level up faster as a result, most people will do the same thing. Activating world pvp by default (aka pvp server) means everyone has to deal with it, so people are equal from the get go in that regard.
Also yes, way less pvp players will go to a pve server, which is a big issue in the long term, while pve players will come either way.