when does the store open for frostmourne
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I guess trading chars and items on the website will become available when Naxx comes out in the first patch after 2 weeks?
Could somebody from Warmane staff confirm this or give further information?
Yeah i wanna know about the trade system as well,not store one(to buy naxx/pre biss naxx gear).
I really like peace mode, really cool.
Literally doesn't work, you get put into PvP mode no matter what you do, and you CANNOT turn it off, it just turns it back on instantly.
I don't mind, really, because Frostmourne has always been PvP, but holy ****, why lie?
Do you know how and when this happen? (to enter into PvP mode)
All the time, and in every zone.
Turn off PvP, it shows the 5m timer, but once it expires, it turns PvP back on - this has happened in every zone I have been in so far, that is a contested zone.
Northrend is the worst offender so far, you simply cannot turn PvP off - so if you're being griefed, you just have to suck it up, it's actually quite frustrating; but again, only because they said that it was a PvE realm, when it very clearly isn't.
It's all about subverted expectations, really.
Have been trying to connect to the server and have had no luck, it says connecting forever and never connects (contact blizzard or whatever b/s that doesnt apply obvs). Have changed save location, checked server list in notes etc nothing has worked.
Follow these steps:
1) Restart your PC
2) close your Torrent client and move your WoW folder away from your Torrent's download destination
3) now right click on WoW folder> Properties> remove "read-only"
right click on the xp bar
Great Launch, but the ersparen time dir Bosses seems was top Long. Tool ist an hour and ragequit when WE wanted to kill Gath’Ilzogg because every 10 Minuten another group came and Tool hin before ist. very frustrating.
Great Launch, but the respawn time of Bosses seems way too long. Took us over an hour till ragequit when we wanted to kill Gath’Ilzogg because every 10 Minuten another group came and pulled him faster than us. (frickin pallys)
very frustrating
What happens to the guilds that were in Frostmone and everything that was in the guild bank ???
Why can't premium accounts make more than one Death Knight?
It was possible on last Frostmourne.
Is this intended or oversight?
It was deleted as it was stated in old threads about past resets AND in the new season announcement.