Will frostmourne be a pvp server next season
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I agree. Please make S4 into PVP again.
I hardly played S3 with it being PVE...
Sure, you get the **** ganked out of you for like 1-5% of the leveling grind (namely STV), but 95% of it is fine. All about perspective.
Also, you know you can go back and protect/countergank at max.
Make Warmane Great Again
Agree, pvp is the way.
However, I may consider more options:
1) pve server, but any gathering or mob killing will Mark You pvp autimatically for some time
2) pvp server, but You cant kill "Grey" players. Just 8 lvl lower max
PVE...but with a warmode option that leaves you perma-flagged, but gives you a slight bonus to farming. Like a 5% chance that each node will give you an extra drop, or each mob looted will drop double gold (open world only). If you turn warmode on, you can't turn it off for like 10-15 days...once you turn it off, you can't turn it back on again for the same time frame...to prevent it from being exploited.
Also, if you kill (enough players) 5 levels lower than you...your own faction should find you dishonorable and all guards should attack you. :)
I hope there will be a PVE season and I would really like a multifraction. and in view of the fall of the online 3.3.5 easy classics .. can I make (yes, even in the form of a test) a continuation? Pandarian for example?
"1-5% of the leveling grind, but 95% of it is fine".
95% of the leveling grind, but 1-5% of it is fine.
Warmode/PvP-flag should be optional.
Well, when Horde gets as good of a PVP racial as human, maybe?
Hands down, bar none, nothing is better at 80 than human racials.
They have too many possibilities to return the server to pvp. plus you would get a better feeling of playing, you would get back that feeling of effort that was needed before for everything. to survive and succeed. From lvl up, gear up, to farm up.
Everything. This is Warcraft.
I agree. Just another tough foothold on the long climb to 80. Part of the experience.
If I get ganked more than a couple times in a row, I just afk for 10 min. Go for a walk. Make lunch. Read a bit. Maybe hop on an alt.
Raging about it does no good.
I really hope they reinstate world pvp.
First of all, we need to know, WHEN is the new season going to happen. Since yesterday it was one full year of release.
I believe it was 11 months, yesterday, no? I think they release every April 15?
"Additionally, any player that achieves Loremaster or Battlemaster in the span of the season, will obtain the same title on forums, a reward of 50 coins and will be also featured prominently in the season tab."
^This plus several others (Butcher titele etc) were rewarded in Season 2, yet I dont see it announced in Season 3. So they might decide not to award them, not sure. If they do my best regards to those poor souls that farmed that.
Generally, I think any rewards towards achieving something that encourages you to explore the game more are good. Look at the HC thing with level cap they did on live. Realms are booming. This game (I have no idea how) still has some juice in it and people find a way to extract it and drink it all over again.
Good luck my friend.