Pvp is a must for me. However, i strongly suggest to block possibility to attack players +/- 8 lvls different than Your current
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Pvp is a must for me. However, i strongly suggest to block possibility to attack players +/- 8 lvls different than Your current
Then just toggle it on.
The only thing stopping you from having PvP with other people actually interested in PvP is yourself if you turn it off. If you have it on and no one else does, that seems to make it pretty clear they aren't interested, so why should you get to dictate how their gameplay should be?
PvP PvE, doesn't matter. There are bigger issues that are messing up player experience on Frostmourne.
Battlegrounds gonna be unbalanced, healers prio ally side and blackrock players will be overgeared relatively. Players will slowly quit after Naxx especially if its PVE server, they gonna only raid log, nothing to do outside raiding. AH Bots will instant undercut your glyphs standing 0-24 in stormwind between mailbox and AH. Hard-Cash-Coin-Farmers will buy out all the DMC/ other epics early naxx and resell over 100K then turn them into coins and move back to Icecrown server. Pugmakers will reserve everything they can and fail to lead to do 1 boss. Guilds will only look for players who plays the expansion for 10 years and knows all the hm/hc mechanics/tactics. (atleast they dont ask for speedrun tacts). Guild gonna have loot drama at Ulduar because "loot council" takes all hardmode items and Officers will take all Fragments for valanyr (and then they gonna be busy IRL and sell the char on trade... ofc). New players will have zero chance to experience a good progressive server since others will make it unwelcoming, kicking from dungeon because "low dps" or not inviting to the guild because doesn't know "tactics", kicking from pugs because did something wrong killing quest mobs without accepting party, corpse camping for no reason if its PvP server, bugging NPCs so they are un-interactable or hidden on different position than usually. Unpleasant way to do heroic dungeons (especially early on), when players ninja looting left and right, not just epics, but all the greens and blues.... then they tend to keep the item(s) and only get 2-5 days of ban. Imagine you wait 1 hour in queue as DPS, so the paladin tank can ninja loot your pre-bis caster trinket at last boss, then you have to try again tomorrow again tomorrow again tomorrow "OH DAMN its ULDUAR already!". The crossfaction dungeon, for faster pop and earlier deserter if you know what i mean. The cross faction AH only helps Alliance so the Horde can fuel their economy... also helps bots a lot!!! only to have farming bots on alliance side. (reason why almos all bots on Season 2 was on alliance side)
and so on and so on... tired of typing
so yeah, PvE or PvP won't really matter, I like them both and hate them both the same way
personally I prefer PvP because that way I can kill bots or defend lowbies from abusers and makes outside Dalaran/WG more exciting.
I'll address only this part, because most of the rest is in essence "WoW being WoW," problems that happen even in retail to this day.
The supposed "gains" from being able to kill bots are non-existant when the other side of the coin is that the treatment is extended to all lower level characters who aren't there to PvP. Bots can be reported, which is not only much more effective, but more reaching. When you kill a bot, they just come back later; when you report a bot, it not only gets banned, but where the items or gold were funnelled to can be investigated, and consequences can be extended.
Your second point of "defending lowbies" is just creating a problem so you can claim to be a solution. Those lowbies wouldn't need defending in the first place if they couldn't be ganked and having someone to occasionally defend them doesn't make their gameplay any better, it just gives you something more you want to do.
Exactly my point, PvP or PvE wont make the gameplay any better or worse.
Since players will always lean towards either PvP or PvE, the server configuration should not affect them at all.
If it's PvP server, PvE oriented players can avoid wpvp easily, especially server unstuck helps a lot or by leveling via RDF.
If it's PvE server, PvP oriented players can still queue BG anytime or toggle PvP flag on.
As a PvP oriented player, PvE server makes the world feel less more challenging while farming/questing/traveling (outside WG) and since we're talking about Frostmourne, which supposed to be competetive progressive servers, it kinda (personally) feels like it kills the competitiveness from lvl 1 up until end-content farming starts (raiding, arena). Still, didn't have issue with it, just leveled less characters compared to previous season(s). I also bet, PvE oriented players leveled even more characters this season, yet players quit way too early of the progression (and I'm pretty sure classic had nothing to do with it neither because PvE).
Is it possible to transfer character to Icecrown? Nobody is online on Frostmourne now in evening hours and I think its close to end of season?
I don't know if you're being absurdly disingenuous or if you really somehow read what I typed that wrong.
What a load of BS... If any of that was true the Forum wouldn't constantly have people complaining about ganking, nor would that have reduced by a lot as soon as we made Frostmourne PvE. On a Normal/PvE server each player can decide the type of content they want to take part in, by toggling PvP on or off. On a PvP server that choice doesn't exist and all players only interested in PvE are forced into "content" they don't want.
It's competitive on the PvE aspect. That's why most people play Horde, that's why the custom content is PvE (timwalking, mythic dungeons), that's why the progression of content is based on Raid tiers. The race is to complete PvE content first.
You'll have to wait for the end of the season...it's only a few more weeks.
Brother, if you want pvp go to blackrock, as a pve player I liked season 3, I just want to log in, level as quickly as possible to reach 80 and start making content, and I'll go through your pvp the ball. out of every 100 players, 1 is only interested in pvp, and I'll tell you again if you want pvp go to blackrock
I personally (well, many people I know) for PVE. as an example. one well-known RU project of the region was opened. LEGION additions. and so. multi-factional (you can horde + alliance in one guild) and at least a server like PVP. but 99% of recruitment announcements sound like that (recruitment to the PVE guild), but everything works very crooked there. for the new season, I think most will come here.
I understand there seems to be a bias from the mods and some of the community for a "Well if you love PVP so much, just toggle it on" attitude.
Why not make the toggle something you choose right on the character creation screen?
"Flag for PVP, Y or N"
Then, once they reach a substantial level - perhaps 60 - they can have the option to turn it on or off.
I just prefer world pvp, period, and to be frank find the toggle on/off argument frustrating.