I had more fun on pve server when it started last year than on pvp servers before, just toggle pvp on, stand close to enemy faction, let it accidentaly hit you and have fun :D love world pvp
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I had more fun on pve server when it started last year than on pvp servers before, just toggle pvp on, stand close to enemy faction, let it accidentaly hit you and have fun :D love world pvp
Make it pve please, no one likes people ganking because they cant kill anyone on an actual pvp server.
Suggestion: Since collecting mounts for one char over a season is work enough, account sharing mounts would be awesome.
P.s.: what Obnoxious says about PVE! Let's keep it like that.
The game takes place during a time of a tense truce between the factions. If you want to break that truce, flag yourself...and stop trying to force yourself upon everyone else.
If there was, it would come in an announcement thread, not in reply to a post.
This is actually the best argument I've heard for pve realms in wotlk, lore should dictate whether a server should be pvp or pve, not the playerbase or anything like that
Can't wait for new season. I don't care pve or pvp , tho there's no doubt PvE makes leveling easier .
I think if we want to encourage pvp it should be done so through battlegrounds and arenas . And they should take just from frostmourne , no cross realm
I know hordes racials are better for pve . But at this point is it really that hard for ally to raid ?
With the strategies known, min - maxing isn't as necessary.
Maybe they should Tune UP the BG rewards . I want a level 80 mindfang from arati basin that's equivalent to a t1 item or heroic.
That might encourage more pvp
I loved the time walking idea from season 3. But not sure how it really played out . Was hard to find out which dungeon was time-walked .
Was it put in dungeon finder if not , maybe it should be?
In an ideal world, maybe. Here? Probably what keeps most players happy and a few toxic players in check. So more people keep playing, bringing money to the server. After all, they still want to earn some money for their work of running a server.
Your pc doesn't keep working of you don't give it electricity, the server stops if there is no money, it's that simple.
It's mostly hard because after Naxx, there is hardly any ally left to raid
Why is that? Does server pop as a whole go down after naxx ? Or is this ally specific. I could be convinced to roll ally (even tho I've always played horde ) I do like being the underdog