1. It's a good incentive, but it's a band-aid over a gaping wound.
    We can look at RETAIL WOW, even with constant buffs to alliance racials ; raiding is completely dominated by horde.

    The surface issue is that "Not enough people are playing Alliance".

    But the core issue is that Frost-mourne simply DOES NOT possess a LARGE enough player-base to healthily function with two separate factions; especially if the server is leaning towards PVE.

  2. Updated the post with x7 rates and a mention of the faction balance measures for Alliance x1.5 honor and x2 reputation.
    Sorry, forgot to quote in my post above.

  3. If you are really determined to add in a “pve style realm” the realm should be default/advertised as PVP and with an opt-in into PvE mode. With pvp enabled it should have the world quest objectives and increased or baseline material and gold gain while the pve opt-in would have reduced material and gold gain. Then people can avoid ganking but it will come at a cost.

    Reasoning behind this is private servers have always favorited pvp realms with pve realms never obtaining the population of their pvp counterparts. This suggestion caters to everyone while keeping the developers “outlook” of what they want to create with their realm.

    As a pve player that's going to be playing here I have to say I wouldnt have a problem with this. Us PVE players that don't currently play Warmane but would like to probably wouldnt care at all if it was an opt in system.

    At the end of the day it would be the same thing to us. I suspect however that doing so might require the staff to code/change some stuff. Whereas PVE realmtype servers are native to the WoW system, so that toggle is probably easier to do this way instead of devoting man hours to trying to do it the other way around before April 15th.

  4. Start your levelling practice boys we need more action in low dungeons!

  5. If you guys cant fix bugs, like we had so much in Ulduar. Then don't release new realm... And buff raids more then S1,S2.

  6. We had it on Sunwell, trust me SUCKS a lot.

  7. Please consider adding titles for Realm First! leveling achievements into the game, competition for Realm First 80 on each is really fun and having nothing to show for it but an achievement while SoloQ folks get custom titles is just weird.

  8. Hey,

    will arena be available at the beginning on 15th april? or does it take time to start pvp season?

  9. PvE or PvP, x7 or x5, all the same to me honestly. I am kinda burned out with WotLK but I have been suggesting Heroic+ (now Mythic) dungeons for years. After S2 I was sure we would eventually get them, and now that they're here I just wanna thank you for giving it a shot.

    It is one of the best features ever introduced in WoW and with the PvE ladders already in place on the website it has the potential to be an amazing feature. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually it becomes something as important as Realm First with the right rewards in place. I'm also excited to see what affixes we are getting this season. Very exciting news and I'm definitely trying out S3 for this reason alone.

  10. Serverpopulation is too small for 2 functioning factions, increasing alliance player count should only be done with crossfaction play

  11. The news are great actually. It's nice to see that the staff is listening to feedback.
    However, being able to raid cross-faction would be amazing. Are there some engine or game limitations that would not make it feasible?

  12. all people preparing for 7x now have to prepare again for 5x :D
    what can I say: genius!
    too bad it was announced 2 weeks before....should have been announce 1h before the realm opens....this would ensure a great levelling experience and fair competition

  13. Pretty awkward that you didn't even read the post, before coming here to **** on warmane staff.

  14. Do this:
    XP Back to 5x instead of 7x, but if u turn ur pvp tag on (basically war mode) u would get some XP boost & XP boost only works in non-instanced contested areas.
    And then when holding a PvP tag u would also have some small chance to get extra reagents when using gathering proffs so there is reason to have it on while lvl 80.

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