i think they just wanna gank people lol
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OK but what about ''people'' who use some kind of a ''software'' to farm materials in the world? The so called ''bots''. I used to kill and compete with them for a node. How are we going to deal with them now hm? We will be left only with the report feature but an immediate action will be taken away from us. Will this affect the economy in the long run since they will be absolutely unstoppable now?
Dear Warmane Staff,
As always I am pleasently surprised by your involvement into the proccess of developing great new content for us (for free!). My following opinion will not be aiming to undermine the effort and I will gladly enjoy the content you prepared for us this year, regardless of its release in the current form or other.
The following additions, namely the Mythics, reached by foot and World exploration bring great excitement, which I believe to be related (for me personally) to the rejuvenation of the World. This inevitably suggests increased interaction between the two factions in the open world - an aspect of the game which initially made it so luring.
In this chain of thoughts, Peace mode (PVE realm) seems to be deterring from that idea. You will be bringing more people in the open world and this is priceless, yet they will be limited in terms of arguably the most controversial aspect of the game - World PVP. My gut feeling is that you might get even better synergy here by full on focusing on the flow of Open World Player Interaction and all of its aspects, including PVP.
Regardless, I really do appreciate your work. (saving the date 15/04 in my calendar, gonna be hell of a ride)
"Cross-faction Auction House." <<-- please don't do this!
This is only good when the online is small, but for Frostmourn it would be a disaster for the economy.
sadly open world pvp doesn't work like that :( imagine fighting over a great farm spot and someone just turns off pvp mode ... i just think killing open world pvp is a big mistake ...
PvE realm by default? Seriously? Who are all these people who asked you to do this?
You are killing atmosphere of open world, nobody wanted this change! look at this thread how many people confused with that.
The vast majority of players appear upset about the PVE realm mode change, especially with the situation of bots farming nodes. It would be great to consider reverting that decision as most folks would like to experience arguably the most fun aspect of the game, especially with mythics bringing more players around.
i think you did a good job with seting up season 3 for us.
to the toppic of pve and that you cant kill bots anymore i have to say i encountered like 3 real bots in more then half a year of playtime. The rest were players grinding like maniacs.
Stay on your course keep up the good work.
Dear PvP Player.
There is an option to enable warmode. So you can still play World PvP with everyone who wants it too. If you guys are right and its the majority of people, the few players with peacemode will not bother you, you have enough people to fight.
If you're wrong and there are only a few players who enjoy world PvP, the change is even more great! It never works, if a server force player into content, they dont want to.
Most people complaining here are just player who enjoy ganking lowlevling Charakters. You want to fight under unfair conditions, so you can get over your 20% winrate in Arena.
If you want to play PvP que for Arena or que for Battlegrounds.
And understand one simple thing. They dont forbid World PvP. They just dont force people into it.
At the end i just want to follow the posts from people before me and want to say thank you, for the great change. It makes sooo much sense for everyone, maybe it also revive arena/battlegrounds a bit, since even the bad players have to que now, if they want to play pvp, instead of flying around in hellfire peninsula.
PS: begging for world pvp is also an outing for beeing a bad human and player. I am glad i can meet you in arena, on my PvP char, to put you in your place and you will miss meet me in Nagrand, finishing my arena quest, on my toon. You guys should be ashamed.
this is actually right, killing open world pvp makes bots function a lot easier, they can farm stuff a lot easier
PVE server will simply kill open world PVP, having option to make it enable or disable is just a joke :)
u may be right about ganking, killing low lvls or if u think its unfair to force ppl into pvp but that simply called Open World PVP.
ppl like me, we simply enjoy fighting over a great farming spot with another grp of ppl, ( i cant forget last season there was literally 6 ppl fighting over a titanium nod i couldn't stop laughing for 2 hours xD :).
so its basically simple that we wouldn't like removing open world pvp :) these changes will simply kill all the things i just explained and don't tell me i can enable pvp and fight ppl cuz in this case u don't even know what open world pvp means :P
You still can do that, among other people like you. All it takes is for this claimed majority of people to keep their own PvP on and never turn it off.
I mean, if so few people really would rather turn PvE off, and such vast majority craves mutual ganking, chances that you will ever find someone with PvE turned off should be next to none. After all, it would make no sense for people wanting PvP to turn it off, and after doing that complain about lack of ganking. That would be essentially creating a problem and complaining there's a problem.
Regarding the issue with bots, it's true and we're aware that this would make them safe from being ganked, but that just means our team will have to be more on point dealing with bot reports and keeping watch, not that their presence should dictate the type of server we decide to host.
Dear warmane stuff,
pls don't bring PVE realm to frostmourne - it'll kill the idea of good seasoned realm. Even on warmane x1 we got pvp - and it's working like a charm, noone beg about it. Arguments on PVP:
1) pve realm is the best place for bots / chinese afk farmers to ruin the economy. You can't do anything to bots who farm, they'll keep aoe spots/gather nodes 24/7, nothing can't stop them. Since it's x7 even banahmmer can't be effective, cause they can always create new one and do the same.
2) pve was unpopular options back in the days on original wow, every populated server was PVP, most of realms was PVP.
3) PVP players would be just not motivated to play frostmourne, since they can just go blackrock. What's the point of playing realm where you can't pvp, if you got seasoned-pvp one, with the same bg/arena?
4) turning off/on pvp flag is weak argument, since the flag is a big thing to abuse. You can scout/follow with a 2nd window pvp flag off, and you can't do anything with that - it's not fair.
5) Since realm x7 ganking on a lvling it's not a big problem, u can always farm on dungeon, and overall u need 7 times less mobs to get to the cap.
6) some classes will have disadvantage on lvling/farming mobs, cause they can't tag mob fast enought (warrior / rogue vs shaman for example). As pvp u can kill oposite faction and group up with yours, but what to do if enemy just pvp flag off?
a lot of ppl here complaining about pvp, season not even started and new is not on main page. Please hear the community, make frostmourne PVP, as it always was!!!