All your examples do is confirm what I'm saying, that this complain is a textbook case of the bicycle fall meme.
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All your examples do is confirm what I'm saying, that this complain is a textbook case of the bicycle fall meme.
Kinda strange to see that comment from stuff. It's not about "you" want, it's about community feedback, which is (alteast if u judge on this thread, since we got no other sources) is obviously for PVP-realm oriented. Just count comments for pve and for pvp, it's a simple math.
I don't want "world PVP", i want a healthy realm, with non-botted economy, a realm where i can't face an opposite member faction who can follow and /spit on me, i want an equal opportunity for world PVP, where everyone can enage. Do you even know how PVP flag work? A non-flagged person can anytime atack flagged person, even while standing near. So you just dashing around with pvp flag off, find a target (low hp/lvl as all pve players here complaining) and kill it. Then fly/tp over, turn off pvp flag, and repeat again.
Even blizzard understood that pve flag is bad idea, and now u can turn pvp on/off only in capital cities, and also pvp flag ON giving bonuses for those, who use it.
Another point to mention - i see really few ppl here happy with pve. Is that even community, are you sure it's not the guys who is botting, so they are happy to push PVE-realm, cause it'll be easier for them to earn on botting?
Also, i didn't hear a single good argument for PVE realm (the only close one is noone can kill low lvls, which is argubly, cause a low lvl can be also with pvp flag and killed by higher lvl) + it's not about pvp realm problem really, it's about weak mental pepople who enjoy killing gray players in PVP.
So, we punish all the players cause of small % mad gankers? Good choice.
Just count the % of the playerbase present on the forums at any given time.
There's also a discord,though unofficial,being monitored obviously for feedback.
And even that isn't really representative,say there are 50 pro-pvp comments here. Atm Frostmourne has 1542 players online. Just because pvp players are always very vocal,it doesn't mean they're the majority. In fact,most of the players probably don't give a flying **** about pvp,especially with most of the outdoor pvp being involuntary. You can still pvp with other players choosing to flag themselves or in BGs/arenas. You just can't force pvp anymore on players that do not want to partake in that activity.
If math against you - say it's bad math. Im sorry man, i won't argue with those who say something "because pvp players are always very vocal", like it's a fact. Why pvp plaerys very vocal, who ever counted it, why u even say so? Such a delussional comment, esp part with "In fact,...". Well known fact, that u say in fact, the word after this statement are becoming axiom ;)
just do a quick poll on discord or here, if 50%+ for pve realm - go for pve realm, noone would mind, but please deliver me from "pvp players are always very vocal" boyz, lol.
No one cares about open world pvp and farming boys... its all about raiding and doing rbg's,admit it.
You think these comments are representative of what 1.5k players want? You clearly think so,now that is delusional.
And yes,pvp players are amongst the whiniest bunch ever,they're the loud minority that's never satisfied bc they will never understand pvp was a secondary thought in this game.
And,most players ignore both the forums(partially bc the forums are quite lacking in functionality) and discord outside their guild ones(if they're in one). So, should a very loud minority like in this thread decide what's the best for the majority of the server? No,and even when advertised through server messages a poll wouldn't be representative,bc many simply don't care. They're fine with it either way,so if say 1000 players are fine with either pvp or pve,but 500 wants pvp,why not make it pve? The majority don't care about pvp,and that's a fact. And,again,the option to do pvp will stay there,so if the majority really wants pvp,they can have it.
Just because not everyone thinks it's worth the time to make a post about a change they don't give a **** about bc they will have their fun either way,it doesn't mean everyone agrees with the loud minority(in terms of active players/forum post ratio).
But fine, here's one against pvp then:
Dear staff,thank you for making a change that won't affect most of the players on the realm,bc everyone who wants to do pvp can still do pvp, and those who doesn't care about pvp can continue playing without others being a nuisance to them.
I have to say I also disagree with the PvE realm change, I really think this is a big mistake. It's actually very surprising to me that a PvE realm is in such high demand here, in my experience private server players tend to prefer PvP servers leaving the PvE realms mostly empty.
In my opinion, World PvP is a big aspect of the game and I think it's intellectually dishonest to assume that anyone who wants world PvP is a lowbie ganker. Just as I wouldn't assume that anyone who wants PvE mode only is a botter.
At the end of the day, the arguments for or against PvE/PvP doesn't really matter, this debate has been going on since the start of WoW. What matters is if people are going to play on this server or not. Like someone else said in this thread, why don't you create two servers? One PvE and one PvP and see which one is more popular. Which ever server is smallest after a set amount of time gets converted and merged with the other one.
As for exploiting the flag system,just make the flag change timer to an hour or something(or even more). One or two HKs aren't worth an hour of waiting to turn off the flag again. There,problem solved.
Just chiming in to express my disappointmet in hearing that this will be a PvE realm. Looks like I won't be trying out this season.
Those that desire pvp off are not few, stop speaking on our behalf ! I personally want a peacefully and relaxing leveling experience. I leveled a hero in the last month on frostmourne and I`m sick and tired of being ganked in Un`goro/Tanaris/etc. by higher levels. There`s a place for those who want pvp : Battlegrounds/arenas, go smash your keyboards there !
<<Oh noez ! you cant reduce xp rate to 5x ! some of us made plans to level fast and maybe aim for realm first>> GIVE ME A BREAK !
I do want lower xp rates, 5x is just perfect - that would make everything more challenging - I always wanted to try out new zones/new quests for leveling.
Why all the rush to 80s ? Why all the rush to 5-6k gear score ? Just to acuse boredom and lack of content after that ? NO !
And I dont want Lordaeron, not yet ! I just started on Warmane and sticking to Frostmourne because I want progresive content and TBC raids.
I will gladly donate and support this server if the experience on Frostmourne will be as good as they announce it.
Thank you !
The whole point of world pvp is that it's not always happens when you want it, but in the end it gives emotions and eventually fun, desire to revenge someone, to create party, to obtsain better gear, to remember the name of the enemy and punish him later, to help someone from your faction and make a friend.
The same thing if we remove lvling and give everyone choise of creating instant 80s "You can lvl character from lvl 1 what's the problem?"
When vanilla came out almost 20 years ago, people migrated from diablo 2 where the only type of pvp was world pvp. That's where the wpvp comes from, and even in d2, a lot of pk happened through cheese and exploits. It was added as a way to provide pvp before battlegrounds/arenas were available. With so much other options one can pick where people can actually participate willingly, it is a very outdated and **** mechanic, and if you check and compare the rogue population of any PvE realm to a PvP one, it becomes quickly obvious what most of the wpvp content actually consists of.
oh and one more thing i forgot, maybe solo rated bg-s for arena points in next season? that would be interesting to see implemented here
Sounds like you're putting in some thought into this and it's much appreciated, love the new ideas that come out every year!
I have a question regarding arenas, will there be a crossrealm with blackrock seasonal again this year?
WTF :( I was so glad that the new seson will startuntil i saw that non-PVP open realm ,sucks so much in my opionon. It feels like it took more then 50%of all the fun that this game has to offer. I really wanted to be PVP open like it used to be. Everything else im excited about but that PVP on/off is so pointless to me. I really hope this is not an end decision on that aspect and somone will still think this off.