1. Naked Raiders (Minimalist Raiding)

    This game has become ridiculously easy once your get good gear. What if there were a new challenge...

    Imagine a new ladder: lowest combined gear score for a completed run.

    With a low enough GS, even heroics become new and interesting, requiring new tactics and increased communication.

    Naked raiding would be the holy grail.
    Taking down the lich king is probably impossible, but if your not going for his loot, then the ladder doesn't even have to be for completion... It could be for longest time lasted/survived, until the ultimate doom.

    I haven't seen it done, so it's an idea to refreshen a game that's lost much of it's charm due to overpowered players.

    The idea is related to scaling monsters... If the whole world matched your level, there would be reason to explore wetlands, tanaris, auberdine again... Not just leave them uninhabited virtual wastelands.

  2. Some friends had this exact same idea, so, we made characters on Icecrown (we're from Lordaeron), got 4.7/4.8k gs, did full icc10 clear, with saurfang and vali heroic. (ofc gunship too). Not gemmed, nor enchanted.
    The problem is finding more people... We had like 3 people leaving because of the "low gearscore" thinking we wouldn't be able to kill Marrowgar, truth is though; it was still way too easy, so next week we're going Bane like this :)

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