1. [H] NA - EST - Weeday and Weekend Raid Groups LFM!

    Horde - NA - English Speaking - EST - Weekend Raid / Weekday Raid
    All that we expect from people is to be an adult and communicate. Several of us have kids, others have pillows with their favorite anime characters to "attend" to. Play what you enjoy, and have fun with it, bosses will die. Loot will be gained.

    Our goal is to have fun with the game. Loot will be handled via BIS list and rolled off there. Everyone will get purples, we will kill bosses but we aren't concerned about being realm first, and if we don't get it dying off because we want to run off and cry. Easy going, killing things, congratulate people on getting loot, kill more bosses.

    We have two Raid Groups. In the Discord, there is a google doc for each raid group. Please feel free to fill in the info but talk to either Seryn for the Weekend Raid group or Print for the Weekday raid group. It is really important for us to find folks that are good fits for our groups, and not just chads that can spam 1234 in the right order to top dps meters for content that is over a decade old.

    Recruitment Needs:
    Join the Discord or DM me for the google doc. Any and all are welcome

    Weekend Raid Group
    Friday: 20:00 - 23:00 EST
    Saturday: 20:00 - 23:00 EST

    Weekday Raid Group
    Monday: 2030 - 2330 EST
    Wednesday: 2030 - 2330 EST

    Discord: https://discord.gg/aweYx4F
    Edited: April 8, 2022 Reason: updated days

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