1. Fan of Knives Weapon Swap Still Needed?

    Hi all!

    is the fank of knives swap still needed?
    /cast Fan of Knives
    /equipslot 17 Slow_hard_hitting_wep_name

    Tooltip states throws both weapons.
    Was wondering if this information about swapping weapons was outdated or not?

    Thanks all!

  2. Yes, its needed. You want to have a slow offhand equipped with instant poison on it when doing fan of knives spam for maximum damage. A fast offhand with deadly poison is significantly worse for fan of knives, its only for single targets.

  3. Yes, its needed. You want to have a slow offhand equipped with instant poison on it when doing fan of knives spam for maximum damage. A fast offhand with deadly poison is significantly worse for fan of knives, its only for single targets.
    Ah ok, I misunderstood I think.
    I thought that you just swapped your MH and OH.
    But you actually equip a 3rd weapon that is slow with instant poison for FoK.

    If you were playing ASSA, would you still make this another SLOW dagger? Or would you go for the slowest possible weapon eg an axe or sword?

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