1. June 1, 2022  

    Arena on seasonal server

    Hello, why does it seem once you hit 1500-1600 rating all you get are 1900 teams from blackrock? Very fun experience, would not recommend to a friend
    0/5 stars

  2. June 2, 2022  
    Hello, why does it seem once you hit 1500-1600 rating all you get are 1900 teams from blackrock? Very fun experience, would not recommend to a friend
    0/5 stars
    I would imagine that Akrios knows how arenas and mmr works.
    Well...I'll try to keep it simple, hopefully you'll rate me "5/5 stars".

    When you're starting arenas on a fresh season, you're at 0 rating with 1500mmr.
    Your rating goes up alongside your mmr with arena wins ; It is not your team/personal rating that matches you against opponents but your mmr.
    By the time you get to 1500 rating, it is very understandable for your mmr to be at 1900.

    And if you have 1900mmr, you will be matched against 1900mmr opponents.

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