1. Orc or Troll ?

    I have near bis Fwarr in alliance. it has everything except SM. hence Near BiS.
    Thinking of transferring in horde.
    I have assumed that Orc would be best for this. But some people also suggested troll for that haste racial. As i will get enough expertise from the gear i have. and haste always welcome is what i feel. ( Orc looks BADASSS though ).
    anyone who's better with number can suggest ?

  2. If you like muscle, beef and BADASS looks, go Orc.
    If you like skinny, stringy, wet spaghetti macaroni, go Troll.

    Besides, Trolls can't even wear shoes, they can't be trusted.

  3. It's worth to mention that 20% attack speed translates into less haste rating than 20% casting speed.
    So troll racial is always more beneficial to casters than to melees.
    Edited: July 19, 2022

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