1. Balance Druid Eclipse Internal Cooldown Bug?


    so ive noticed i had really bad luck with eclipse proccs, but i thought its just because of my gear.
    after adding a weakaura which shows the Duration of the Eclipse Buff + the Internal Cooldown, ive noticed something.

    Tested it with another Druid, but he had the same results as me. we tested it on dummys, duel, different kind of open world mobs.

    So, the problem is that if 1 Eclipse is still on internal cooldown, it cant procc the other one.

    My Lunar Eclipse Buff ran out, but i still had 10 Seconds on Lunar Eclipse Internal Cooldown, when i crit with Starfall. Normally, it should procc Solar Eclipse, right? But that didnt happen.

    Same for Solar Eclipse, if its on internal cooldown you cant procc Lunar Eclipse.

    Im a new Boomie so im curious if thats a known bug, or if i just dont understand the concept correctly.

    If it helps, i do have Dual Specc. On some Servers ive played Dualspecc caused issues with talents, so im not sure if thats the case

    Thank you

  2. This is indeed a bug that has started appearing yesterday due to some code refactoring and will be hotfixed shortly

  3. Oh, thank you very much. I thought im just too dumb since im playing Boomie for few hours now lol.

    Cheers, take care

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