1. Dungeon Boosting Guide-ish

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    I don't know how to use the forum text editing tool, so this is very barebone. But the main reason is I'm making this in 1 sitting

    With how many people are selling boosting service for a bunch of golds, this might be a way to save yourself some gold by self-boosting. I did this for 8 characters in 5 batches, excluding the shattered halls part : druid+paladin, mage+warlock+priest, shaman, hunter, and paladin

    For most of these dungeons, I’m using a tank to boost, preferably druid (tagging using cat form, and killing with bear usually) or paladin. Druid/Paladin (if using tank) Is only required for stratholme, as there is Eye of Naxxramas that spawns randomly and may kill your boostee. There may be better ways using Holy nova spam or whatever you have. This is just how I do it. For paladin, use GBOS and Seal & Judgement of Light to keep yourself up, as Druid, take Improved Leader of the pack 2/2. I prefer to use tank as I use this path to self-boost myself, so i have more time to react

    Each letter in the guide is meant to be a single pull. If you are having trouble, you can make it in more pulls, or join them together if you have no problem doing so. Again, this is just how I do it

    Positioning :
    Using default minimap, zoom out to the max, and stay around the border of the circle, even slightly outside (where the character is pointed by an arrow) is fine. I don’t know why, but this gives extra EXP
    Do not have another character near the Booster, as the EXP gain will be reduced

    Level Dungeon Runs needed
    9-15 Ragefire Chasm 1
    15-23 Shadowfang keep 1-2
    23-26 SM-Graveyard 1
    26-29 SM-Armory 1
    29-39 SM-Cathedral 3
    39-48 Zul'Farrak 1-2
    48-58 Stratholme 1
    58-62 Hellfire Ramparts 2
    62-70 Shattered Halls A bunch
    Alternatively, you can also quest + Dungeon in Mana tombs before going to shattered halls or skipping to utgarde keep / nexus 

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    Ragefire Chasm
    Part A:
    Go straight across the bridge into the wide area,
    U-Turn to the right and up the ramp, taunt Oggleflint to the cave in the left
    Exit the cave and jump into the path below
    Return back to the wide area in the 1st step, Clear
    Part B:
    Go up the ramp, when you exit the wide area, take a U turn up the ramp to tag the enemies above
    Walk to Bazzalan, AVOID aggroing Taragaman as he gives a lot of dazed effect
    Jump below after aggroing Bazzalan and run to point B, taunt Taragaman and clear

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    Shadowfang Keep, (Green = Booster, Blue = Boostee)
    Boostee don’t really need to move from the entrance of SFK
    Part A:
    Go to the right , up the stair, to the left, jump below and kill Rethilgore + other adds
    Click on the rightmost lever (horde), and speak to the undead inside, and have him open the door to the courtyard
    Part B (Basically a 1 dungeon pull) :
    Pull the adds in courtyard, get into stable and taunt the horse (or skip it)
    Go up the ramp , and go straight until you see branching path (to the left and forward)
    Go to the left, pull all of the missing adds until Razorclaw, go back to the branching path, and go left
    The rest of the dungeon is long corridor
    Pull all the adds in the room until you see a gated path (Fenrus), clear the adds
    If you’d like, you can also kill the final boss AFTER he teleport to the door you entered from, as otherwise it’d be out of EXP range

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    Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
    Red = Booster (because of contrast)
    1 Dungeon pull, boostee stays at entrance
    Go straight into the courtyard, ignore untagged enemy in the 1st boss location.
    Tag the 2 enemy groups to the right in the gated part, and then exit
    Grab the rest of enemies on the right side (you can jump the ledge using charge if you’re druid or warr)
    Get into the building, go right, take the stair down, taunt/faerie fire the boss to the right side and exit while tagging the rest of enemy in the building
    Tag the enemies on the opposing side of where you did it when coming in, and return to the clearing location (marked circle)

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    Scarlet Monastery Armory
    Red = Booster (because of contrast)
    1 Dungeon pull, boostee stays at entrance
    It’s a long corridor with 1 boss which will be skipped, just tag every mob, up until the final boss’ door, and return to the circle. Do not aggro the boss as the door will be locked!

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    Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
    Red = Booster (because of contrast)
    1 Dungeon pull, boostee stays at entrance
    Follow the path under the roof while using taunt/Faerie fire to tag enemies on the grassy parts, up the stairs, and then again until you reach the door
    Right click the door to open, taunt Mograine, pop a defensive absorb preferably (as it will aggro all the adds in the cathedral), and charge to an enemy outside
    Follow the shaded parts again, same as the start
    Hide behind the corridor to block Line of Sight and gather the mobs to clear
    * Have boostee at the clearing spot and yourself breaking LoS on the stair if achievement is needed (so boostee stays in range) 

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    Zul’Farrak / Zul Farrak
    If you have quest, do A-F, else do A-C+F, if you are pressed for time, just do A-B+F which is denser in exp
    All 3 dungeon quests are from gadgetzan
    Part A : Mount up and aggro ALL the add to the left/right while walking to the crossroad where Zerilis is, you will get knocked down and halted by him and shadowhunters, gather the rest of the add and stand inside the house on point A(red) to break LoS
    Part B : Just follow the path, on the Right-U-Turn-side after entering the wide area, there will be a group of enemies, this is where you can gather the enemies to break LoS. Alternatively, if your boostee went too far, you can gather them on the corridor connecting to the part C
    Part C : Clear the adds in the room, break their LoS on top of the stair, set loot mode to Free For All to loot key (not lockpickable), do stair event for quest (Divino-matic rod drops here)
    Part D : Kill the final boss, *If achievement is needed, make sure boostee is in combat range
    Part E : Kill scarabs for quest
    Part F, gather the enemies in the wide area, break their LoS inside one of the house there, you can climb the hill to the left (if from part E, or straight in front of you if from part A) and grab additional adds
    *Turn in quest in gadgetzan if your boostee is at least lvl 46

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    Stratholme (main entrance) :
    If you have 2 DKs on different account + someone to help summon / boostee/r, you can use death gate and fly down, then mount to stratholme (which is much closer than running from undercity). There is no exit after entering, so be careful

    Longest dungeon in this path (and a bit messy)
    Eye of Naxxramas WILL spawn and spawn 3 more adds, make sure to have at least one of :
    -Revival on Booster
    -Prowl/Vanish on boostee
    -Boostee able to DPS down 1 eye of naxxramas before it spawns add
    -Extremely good luck where eye of naxxramas won’t mess you up


    Part A: Follow the path, and clear all enemy before gate, do not enter it yet if you have means of sprint. Alternatively if you don’t have engineering or dash, you can gather the enemy and bring them inside gate, kill them while waiting for the gate timer

    Part B: IF you are druid or have engineering, you can go in a straight line, and dash straight through the gate with rats before the other side closes. Grab the enemies until the blue F (at which points some spirit adds will spawn), and bring them back to the marked B for clearing
    Part C: Make sure boostee don’t stand in the location marked “Little Timmy” as sometimes Timmy will spawn when you stand at the clearing location C
    Part D: I forgot to insert another letter for clearing enemy until the branch in path, so bring the enemies to the part marked DE(blue) while boostee stands in the C(Green). Then, go to the D(green) and tag all the adds, EXCEPT Cannon master, as he will spawn gunner which can shoot down your boostee through walls

    Part E: Simple adds, just make sure boostee stays close if achievement is needed (as both boss kills are needed for it)
    Part F: Run all the way back, to the gate with rat from part B, but go straight instead, gather the enemies around the fountain, and kill them. There is almost always a Hearthsinger Forresten here (yellow health), which you can beat for toy trinket.
    Part G: Make sure magistrate is alive and well, as you need the key to open the next part
    In part H-K Tank positions aren’t marked, because there are so many stuns/silence/slow that it is not very consistent
    Part H: Have the boostee stands there, while you clear the enemies to the left (and then the ziggurat they’re guarding to unlock final boss for rare mount). There is another gate here, ignore it. Go back to where your boostee is, and clear the ziggurat on the other side
    Part J: Move the boostee to marked location, and clean the final ziggurat
    Part K: Gather all the abominations, clear. Kill the abom boss that spawns after they all die. Clear the mindless undeads that spawns from the gate to the left of where you enter that spawns after said boss dies
    Now kill baron rivendare and hope his 1% mount drops for you

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    Hellfire Ramparts
    No Guide : Just have boostee in the entrance and kill all the enemies inside. I don’t have a plan for this as usually I clear it with FWar. Have the boostee come and loot Vazruden for a letter that he can turn in in Thrallmar though

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    Shattered Halls
    These enemies hit a lot harder than the ones before
    Part A: Nothing special, Gather the enemies up until the wide area, and clear there
    Part B: Nothing special, Gather the enemies up until the wide area, and clear there, make sure to grab the sleeping enemies on the wall
    Part C: Skippable if you have lockpick, but otherwise jump down to the right of locked gate, clear slimes
    Part D: Clear the 4 adds and boss
    Part E: Nothing special, Gather the enemies up until the wide area, and clear there
    Part F: Nothing special, Gather the enemies up until the wide area, and clear there
    Part G-I: Same as before, just don’t clear them near training dummy, as they might soak some of your cleaving attacks
    I skip both of the last boss, as they are not worth that many exp and there is a corridor full of rogue with stuns that makes it slow to clear

    After this, you can continue boosting in Northrend (I just do mostly quests stuff)

  2. I just wanted to clarify the number of runs needed are for servers with higher rates, probably x7. If you are playing on a x1 server, you will need much more runs. Probably obvious, but I wanted to point it out before somebody is frustrated trying this on Lordearon.

  3. My man, thank you for this valuable tips!

  4. Thanks for sharing.

    I am boosting my alt. I wonder if it's faster/easier to boost 48-58 in BRD than Stratholme.

  5. Btw you can enter hellfire ramparts at lvl 55 so its best to start outland at lvl 55 the exp is insane

  6. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Does the double XP range bonus even work anymore? I can't get it work no matter what the distance

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