1. Multibox as a BiS Fury Warrior

    Hello everyone!
    I have a BiS fury warrior on Icecrown and I want to try multiboxing with it.
    I can easily solo Utgarde Keep normal, which I think is the easy one.
    How far can I go as a fury warrior on normal dungeons without any specific tank gear/spec?
    How far can I go as solo and when will I need a healer?
    At which point tank + healer won't suffice anymore and I will need a full 5 man?
    I have a holy paladin on a second account but I'm still leveling it (almost lvl 71) and I guess if I will be able to clear every normal dungeon with just tank + healer, except maybe ICC ones?
    As a tank, starting as a fury, what should I focus on regarding tank gear?
    I don't mind buying something with coins but I want to be sure before spending my money!
    Any suggestion will be welcome, thank you in advance for the help!

  2. My guess would be that as you gear the holy paladin enough to not run out of mana in a fight you would have no problems dualboxing through normal dungeons unless some specific mechanic requires more people (something similar to Hoarfrost from Tyrannus). The combo could probably last through some/most heroic dungeons though you may need to get defense capped perhaps for some encounters to avoid wipes. Either way dualboxing should give you an idea on how to do stuff and it will be easier to transition to a 3, 4, 5-man team depending on your needs.
    Level up the paladin and concentrate on gearing him up with BoEs and rep gear, grab dungeon/emblem gear as you go. Fury gear won't be your bottleneck in the beginning and you'll see where/if you need to adapt certain pieces of defensive gear before progressing to a bigger team.

  3. Thank you Aristocat and Frerejakkre!
    In the meanwhile I've tried to solo Nexus normal too and it was a breeze.
    I've tried to kill the first bunch of trasch mobs from the Oculus normal and I think I won't be able to solo the more numerous pack, but I'll try it again together with the healer.
    @Frerejakkre, I suppose I would need a good 1h weapon and shield too?

    Also, I have disenchanting on the healer. Do you think it would be profitable to disenchant armor and gear dropped from normal dungeons and sell the result? Or in order to make a profit with disenchanting do I need to run heroic dungeons and disenchant the purple items?

    Btw beside dualboxing I think I will try to run rdh as tank too once I get some tank gear for my warrior, so even if the dualbox experiment doesn't work for me, the gear won't be wasted.

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