Eyy guys!

As the title says im not BIS but im in 6,1k+ gs. I'm looking for a chilled and skilled partner for 2s for fun and also for pushing. I did 3 Rivals in retail back then with 2,2k+ in 2s (Holy paladin) and 2k all bracket. (3v3, 5v5, Rated BG). I've never played Warmane seriously back then and right now i rather want to have fun and climb till we can together, figuring out tacs and having tons of fun instead of tryharding. I did 10k+ HK-s with my boomi, I can play it quite nicely, but ofc i always want to improve and im opened for suggestions. I prefer Rogs, Eles or Pregs, but ofc we can try every viable compositions.

I also LF a community to play BG-s and World PVP together. I can go vocal if needed ofc :). (Discord)

My ingame name is "Brotifar".