1. Character stuck in Death, withouut reachablee body to resurrect


    i have a death knight character, whilest questing in the starting area, i got killed ; when that happened, my body fell through the map....
    it kept falling , untill it dissapeared... when i released , i tried to get back the body, but it is "UNDER" the map... and impossible for me to reach.
    Also, the gravevyard i end up in after releaasing is withouth any spirit healer, i've tried the other graveyard and again it is without a spirit healer aswell,

    please help me, i have made a ticket on this,

    thank you in advance,

    Kind regards,


  2. On site:
    My account > services > select realm > character > free > unstuck

  3. saved my day

    On site:
    My account > services > select realm > character > free > unstuck

    This fine person saved my day,

    TY, you dont want to know how many hours i put in to it yesterday to try and get it to work again


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