perfect idea i love it.
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Yes, implement it. No problem at all.
Better keep it like the original way.
Well, i think im a little bit late on the party here. i know this comment wont change a thing but i'd still like to give my opinion on the matter.
While it looks "cool" that people who owns a 310% mount can use ANY flying mount to go at that speed, i have to ask: what incentives exist then to actually look for a certain 310% that both goes "fast" and also looks cool? (for example, mimiron's head). People will just get the easiest 310% mount they can get their hands on (and oh boy there are a bunch thata re not THAT hard to get) and stop trying to get more.
It saddens me that things like this are being upvoted for a quick benefit instead of thinking about long term consequenses...
may i ask (maybe it was clarified before) if this will be for ALL realms or only icecrown?
The same as always? Having a mount that both goes fast and also looks cool, instead of just being fast, like you said yourself.
Yes, but how is that any different than what has always happened? It's exactly the same, people with interest in "looks cool" were the ones either grinding or using Coins to get those mounts. Everyone else, who just wanted the speed, didn't go bother with rare stuff. That's literally why they are rare in the first place. The only difference this makes is in the opposite direction: mounts that looked awesome, but were slow, won't be abandoned.
i think its important to display the mount buff with the correct speed.
if i am chasing someone on a 310% mount that is displayed as 280% its gonna take me that little bit of extra time before i can determine his speed.
hopefully this will be the case.
Tooltip cannot be changed.
in that case i think it is a very bad change to make.
this issue already exists with druids, you are unable to determine if they are 310% while in flight form because the tooltip says 280% regardless.
its an annoying thing to deal with even on such a small scale, now everyone and their mother is gonna be part of the issue.
im not saying its game breaking, but there is a contingent of people who are gonna get pissed off by this change. there is a decision you make in world pvp based on the flying mount being used that we now have to go through extra steps to make the same decision with absolutely everybody that is on a mount above 150%.
kinda lame that the tooltip "cannot be changed". (however truthful that statement is, idk)
I am totally into that, the two reasons to have a rare mount is:
A: to fly faster
B: to show off
Most people already have at least 1 310% mount anyways and many of us are stuck using just one that is not our favorite only for the speed.
Showing off won`t be changed in a negative way. On the other hand- people can now start using rare mounts, like some proto drakes that require a lot of farming but are never used because of the speed.
I don't know the polities about custom scripts in the server but, you can make new "buff". That buff can be shown aways when players is mounted and ofc with the right tooltip + can modify the movement speed to be same every time, or just visual buff with tooltip. "310% movement speed" or whatever :) But again am not sure how will be accepted that idea from the server staff, for custom spell/visual.
you are able to determine if they are 310% while in flight form
just check the Carbonite addon, on minimap it shows pretty accurate speed that you move around with.
Good idea to add that but how about using flying only mounts like drakes in vanilla zones as 100% ground mounts?
There is a reason why ppl were farming violet proto drake,love rocket,ulduar mounts,onyxia drake,ashes of alar and allso this is the same reason why ppl were bying arena mounts,celestial steed and stuff like that of the warmane store.Because they want to fly faster from point A to Point B with a rare flashy mount and allso to gather faster and to engage air pvp vs slower gatherers.Right now noobs with any mount are trying to outplay a person with a fast mount while gathering.Allso ive seen ppl flexing bronze drakes infront of donated mounts(they worth 0 at this point and they are pretty much useless) or hard farmed mounts.
So my point is:(im sorry for caps in advance and im not yelling i just want you to read this carefully)
You have missed the part where, if you don't have a 310% mount already, you will still fly at 280%.
Maybe you are right but which one of my mounts is fast if they all have the same speed?
If i have to troll as much as everyone else on this thread you might as well make all mounts swimming at 60% speed if you have the turtle,and the turtle running at 100% speed if you have a 100% speed mount.
You might as well make all the land mounts being flying mounts if you have the halloween horse or love rocket.
This is ridiculus.