1. Constant LAG for half the people on global


    For a week me and my guildies (some from different timezones) have been constantly lagging (0.5-1sec delay on casts) on Frostmourne realm.

    It is pretty much unplayable and it is not an issue on our side (as the response to my in-game ticket suggested). Most of us play different games as well and we don't have ANY issues.

    We've asked on global on few occasions and lots of people answered they are lagging as well. Some others said they are not lagging.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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  3. Yesterday it was worse than ever. 1-2 sec delay on every cast for our entire guild. Everyone on different locations, both in EU and NA.

    GM's responding that its on our side, which is complete bull****.

    Warmane needs to take a look at this ASAP.

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