1. *PLEASE READ* Account Bound Mounts

    I'd like to create a suggestion or perhaps get some thoughts of the warmane community in reference to create all obtained mounts account bound just as like in retail (if this is even possible)

    What I mean by this, is that every mount you have obtained on one character, you will have all those mounts on all of your characters rather than only on the one that you had obtained it on. This feature is in retail wow and it would in my opinion make mount farming much more fun and hyped, since I believe most people do not really care about having mounts anymore since it's just bound on one character that perhaps they no longer play on or have left it for dead and all those mounts just have gone to waste. In this case if this suggestion would be implemented into the game, it would be such a cool feature to have and quite frankly the time you put into mount farming would not be wasted.
    Edited: November 16, 2022

  2. I do not know how hard that would be to introduce into the game, but that would make me so much more willing to farm mounts or pay for them. I get some mounts shouldnt be account wide, like qiraji battle tank. But most of them should.

    Would make me buy **** ton of mounts from the store tbh. I like the visuals of most of them but can't convince myself on buying them just to use on 1 toon.

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