1. Best Trinket for Ret Pally from Points

    Hey guys, I'm leveling up my ret pally alt as of now and soon she'll be 80. I'm looking for a good trinket once she hits 80 and I'd like to know if Comet's Trail (http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=45609) purchased via points is a good trinket for ret pally or not. Is the haste proc good for Rets? I have enough points to purchase it now. So, should I go for it?


  2. Haste isnt what you should be going for, but more for Strength, Attack Power, Crit Strike rating. This Warcrafttavern article linked blow, explains it really nicely:

    "a big chunk of our damage comes from our auto attacks and seals, both of which benefit from having a faster attack speed. However, about half our damage doesn’t benefit from haste at all besides having a reduced global cooldown thanks to the spell haste component, which unfortunately diminishes the value of haste for us. For that reason, it’s not as good as, say, crit rating."

    Also I'd ask if you're more focused on PVE or PVP? Cuz that would also differentiate your stat priority.

    TL;DR: rather find a trinket that gives Strength or Attack Power / Crit strike


  3. However, about half our damage doesn’t benefit from haste at all besides having a reduced global cooldown thanks to the spell haste component, which unfortunately diminishes the value of haste for us.
    If you don't know how class works, try to avoid making "expert" statements or linking wrong articles.
    Melee classes don't benefit from haste at all in terms of GCD, it is fixed 1.5 sec pause (except for specific skills/abilities/talents).

    OP, as for you, picking trinkets that on-hit grant you AP for 10/15 seconds is your most reliable option. They have strong buffs with short CD + useful passive stats.

  4. Thank you all for responding, will go with the trinket till I get something from ICC or ToC =)

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