1. Returning to WoW

    Hi folks,

    I just downloaded Warmane a few days ago after hearing so much about it over the years. I started playing WoW towards the end of 2005, when I was around 4 years old. I don't have many memories of vanilla WoW, but I do remember my dad had bought the game and would let me create a character and explore. TBC was when I started really trying to play the game (I was bad, but I still had loads of fun). Wotlk is when I really started to fall in love with the game even more, as I got my friends from school to play it with me and we would play for hours in the wintertime when the weather was too bad to go out. I absolutely adore WoW and have found enjoyment from every expansion (except for WoD and SL). Mists of Pandaria is another great expansion I love as well. Since the end of Bfa I have only been able to play a little at a time due to life and school being a priority. I decided since I am done with school and have some free time on my hands when I'm not working to start playing WoW more again. While I didn't mind SL, I didn't start playing it a lot until the end of the xpac, and I'm waiting til after Christmas to start Dragonflight. I really wanted to play Wrath again and classic is just hit or miss to me and my friends had been telling me to try Warmane and that I wouldn't regret it. So here I am :). If you folks have any tips or suggestions, I'd be more than happy to hear them. Thanks!

  2. Really awesome reading your post as I almost had the same game experience. I would suggest to play on forstmane server to relive the would experience I would also strongly suggest to convince a friend to play along and enjoy the ride preferably old wow friend :)

  3. Welcome to Warmane!

    Interesting story, and quite frankly in a way cool :) looking forward to playing with you.

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