1. Is there any way to enter Hyjal?

    I don't know if we're allowed to discuss this topic, in case just delete it.

    Many times I login into the game just to explore areas without a purpose. I maybe put a podcast and just wander around Azeroth.

    Lately I've been trying to reach to Hyjal, which we're not supposed to enter, because of course, is WOTLK. Still I've checked on the forums, Google and YouTube to see if there's any way to climb it from somewhere in the game version of Icecrown.

    Someone did the climbing in Classic, but the level models are different in this version and that doesn't seem possible (I've tried):

    There's another video where they achieve this in 3.3.5a, but requires using Warlocks and portals, I do not have a Warlock so I haven't tried:

    Does anybody know a way that works in Warmane?

  2. I did it with Priest levitate + body and soul in holy tree to run faster.

  3. With priest levitate you can get basically anywhere. You can get through the entrance by going around Darkwhisper Gorge but it's a bit complicated.

    In the old core there used to be a lich king with several gnolls around in hyjal but they are gone.

  4. Just find a warlock and DK to fear, then deathgrip you through the gate in the tunnel. There are multiple invisible barriers beyond it, but just use the same fear trick to bypass them as well. For deathgrip you need to play with Line of Sight a bit to get it to work.

    - Ingurgitate

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