1. Lordaeron social channels


    I am playing this realm happily for almost half year now, everything is cool but we do have some lacks in communication channels.

    Unfortunately, our global channel is so full of bull****, drunk, high, or ******ed people, whatever, i dont care, (its a separate discussion actually why people behave like dumb donkeyholes) - its nice to have a channel where we can all make laugh of each other anway, BUT it would be super useful to have separate channels for LFG, and for trade. Unfortunately, channels forced by game are zone specific, hence useless.

    Most of new players join global as it is on all other servers, but if we want this one to be better, we really need to take a step forward into improving our communication methods, and it should not be such a big of a trouble having three separate channels for specific things.

    Please tell if you agree, or if you have better idea or if you dont give a funk at all :p

  2. Suggested and denied many times before.

    For any such channel(s) to work it would require constant GM monitoring, which we don't have the manpower to provide (nor are we up to hiring extra Staff just for that). Without that, there would be no way to ensure only "on-topic" talk would be there and all that would happen is spammers of other categories would do their posting there just the same as they do in Global.

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