1. upomo? bra?o

    Pozdrav momci, pokuso sam danas da se ulogujem jelte ko i svaki dan kad odjednom pri ulogu napisa "this account has been locked but can be unlocked"!
    Jel imao neko isti problem, sta je problem ustvari? Koliko znam niko me ni za sta nije prijavio niti sam scammer nit ninja i te stvari nit se razumijem u to...
    Nekad se ulogujem od kuce a nekad s posla pa sam negdje procito da promijena IP zna bit problem?

    Ajde ako ko zna ziv bio neka se javi da rijesim to.
    Hvala unaprijed, zivjeli

  2. Najbolje je da napravis ban appeal tiket na nasem sajtu, pa ako nisi nista skrivio ban ce biti sklonjen. Ovo nije retka pojava kada se cesto menja IP ili kada se pristupa igri preko VPN.

  3. Pozdrav druze..jesi rijesio problema sa zakljucanim accauntom..imam isti problem a ne mogu da nadzem nacin da to rijesim..koliko vidim na forumu niko ne daje konkretno rijesenje..ako si rijesio problem prosvijetli me ziv bio..

  4. nisam brate, tj. jeste neki problem oko IP adresa... kuci bez problema mogu da udjem ali na poslu ovaj IP mi ne dozvoljava, restartujem modem i te neke stvari ali opet nista. Drugi dan uspjem uci pa posle toga opet ne mogu i sve tako...
    Ako ti sta znaci kopiracu ti odgovor sa mejla od [email protected]

    This ban is the result of your connection being flagged as suspicious
    by our automated protection systems. Either you're not connecting via
    a personal home connection or you've failed to login repeatedly in
    quick succession.

    If you continue to receive this error, login to your account via the
    website which will inform our system that your connection isn't tied
    to a malicious network such as those used to brute force the login

    You should then be able to log in-game. If not, re-visit the website
    and visit the account page,

    If you don't see an IP ban then the connection you're logging into the
    website with isn't currently banned and you should now be able to
    login in-game.

    If you still can't login, your game client is set to a different
    connection than the connection that accessed the website. VPNs, Mobile
    data networks and most public Wifi are restricted. We recommend
    disabling the non-primary connection and / or disconnect from mobile
    hotspots / public wifi

    You can also adjust the priority of network adapters you have by
    following various guides such as,

    Apps will generally attempt to use the connection with highest priority.

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