1. I need Help to creat a Macro

    I want to creat a Macro that Enable the "Show Item Level" option from Options => Interface => Display menu

    I spent a lot of time searching the web for this macro, but unfortunately found none, the closest i got to was this one:

    "/run ShowItemLevel()" But it did not worked

    The reason i need this macro is that i was experimenting and tweaking my UI with Addons, and everytime i relog
    the "Show Item Level" option is turned off

  2. /console showItemLevel 1

    But you'd be better off finding out why it keeps resetting...

  3. Thank you very much, it worked great!

    It is something with ElvUi, i tweaked many configs On and Off to test, but nothing removed the "Show Item Level" turning off,
    but i am realy happy with how the Ui turned out, only this problem was bugging me out, but its solved now, thanks to you

    While i dont discover what is causing this problem i will put your command line in my secondary profession macro

    #showtooltip [nomod] Cooking; [mod:shift] Basic Campfire; [mod:ctrl] First Aid
    /console showItemLevel 1
    /use [nomod] Cooking; [mod:shift] Basic Campfire; [mod:ctrl] First Aid

    Thanks for the help again

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