Logging in to my account after 2 years to have fun with my mates but I cant find my characters. Any idea if anyone had the same issue and got solved?
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Logging in to my account after 2 years to have fun with my mates but I cant find my characters. Any idea if anyone had the same issue and got solved?
1. On Which realm you had characters?
2. Did you look for your character just on website or even in-game by logging with a client?
If no characters are showed on website -> it means they are flagged for a rename. So you need to log with client to set new names
3. Is your account premium?
I just relogged in today as well with the same issue. All of my characters on Icecrown were missing/deleted. I also found someone tried to set up authentication about a month ago.
Seems like quite a large scale attack is happening on this server.
1. On Which realm you had characters?
2. Did you look for your character just on website or even in-game by logging with a client?
If no characters are showed on website -> it means they are flagged for a rename. So you need to log with client to set new names
No characters in game, or on the website.
3. Is your account premium?
Any character up for restoration? https://www.warmane.com/account/services
Also if someone tried to enable 2FA on your account.. It means somebody has full access to your account. Change pass and enable 2FA, don't sit this one out. Simple and effective way to keep your account secure is to have 2FA on 24/7.
Hey, I found the solution - seems that the attacker had listed all of my characters up for trade.
OP try navigating on the warmane website My account -> Trade -> click Buy menu -> Change to sell -> Characters I'm trading
You might find your lost characters there, good luck.