1. Help me sell this Prot Pala

    I've never successfully sold a Charakter. Please help me. What can I improve?

  2. . .
    Edited: January 1, 2024

  3. Your Protection Paladin

    Well first of all, I'm not sure if you had an experience before with a successful sale of another character while "Normal" gear is equipped, however that's the first issue. People don't buy characters that are priced (even minimum) with "Normal" gears equipped. I would suggest taking off all the gear except for your [BoE Ring], [BoE Boots], [Neck], [Shoulder], [Shield], and [Reputation Ring] (A lot of people also do not know the reputation ring is not counted for in character pricing). Plus you should also make it the minimum price. If you still can't sell it, I suggest taking off the shoulders (since it's from an easy boss) and maybe filling the empty slots with BoE's and advertising it constantly through /trade or /global channels in-game.

    All in all, protection paladins do not sell as much as a retribution with Shadowmourne, or a holy paladin with Glowing Twilight Scale hc. You want to sell characters that have gears that are the hardest to acquire in-game; your [Neck] from an easy Rotface 25hc, [Shoulder] from an easy Gunship 25hc, [Shield] from an easy Blood Queen 25hc. Hope you get to sell your character somehow!


  4. . .
    Edited: January 1, 2024

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