1. the pet RAZZA does not appear

    Hello everyone, I have a question, I've been trying for days to tame a legendary chimera called the RAZZA, it appears in the area of Ferales in a camp, but does not make its appearance, does anyone know if it is bug?

    thanks for your time

  2. If you play wotlk, it doesn't appear in the camp, it appears in the Dire Maul arena, right before you enter the instance

  3. Thank you very much for your answer, I will try to tame the chimera.

  4. the RAZZA does not appear

    Hello, I've been waiting for hours for this chimera to appear in the arena but it doesn't appear, do you know if it is enabled in the realm of ice crown ?

  5. I can confirm it spawns.

    (Don't go now -- it's not longer there ;-) )

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