1. LF help: nameplates/chat bubbles scale

    I was thinking about this and how it may be fixed with an addon. Nameplates and chat bubbles are children of WorldFrame and from what I can see WorldFrame doesn't scale like it "should" with UI scale.

    I considered several options:

    1) SetScale on WorldFrame: everything gets offset incorrectly because nameplates and chat bubbles are bound to the BOTTOMLEFT of WorldFrame and the offset is calculated by the exe without taking into account the uiScale cvar.
    2) SetScale directly on nameplates/chat bubbles: same issue.
    3) SetScale directly on nameplates/chat bubbles + SetPoint on OnUpdate on every one of them to account by the offsets: in other words, do something like

    for nameplate in worldframe.children:
    .....nameplate:SetPoint("TOP", WorldFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", ofsx / uiScale, ofsy / uiScale)

    That doesn't work because the nameplates don't move correctly while you pan the camera and if new nameplates are added while you are in combat the code doesn't execute at all.

    I'm close to conceding that the only solution is to patch the CGNamePlateFrame/CGChatBubbleFrame constructors in the exe so they have more appropriate sizes for widescreen... screens. But maybe someone has an idea.

  2. I'm close to conceding that the only solution is to patch the CGNamePlateFrame/CGChatBubbleFrame constructors in the exe so they have more appropriate sizes for widescreen... screens. But maybe someone has an idea.
    I'm confident this would be the most effective way to do so.

    I tried several methods I could think of moving nameplates due to them being inside of player models instead of being slightly above.
    While you can move health/mana/castbar (or create completely new statusbar frames) you wont be able to resize or move the clickable base area during combat or on new nameplates being added.

    Will taint if you try to do so.

    Pretty annoying when textures are perfectly aligned yet you can't click units.
    Base nameplate doesn't have any OnClick functions either so no way of hooking it to other frames.

    Unless there is a safe way to move them in combat I'd say the method you suggested would be the smartest option.
    Besides it would require additional OnUpdate cycles and I'm not a big fan to do so.

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