Last week I did the 10 arenas with my friends, for which 3 of us were not paid even 1 arena point, I would like an explanation urgently
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Last week I did the 10 arenas with my friends, for which 3 of us were not paid even 1 arena point, I would like an explanation urgently
Demand whatever you want, won't get anything without properly sent ticket with details and evidences in-game (read what this sub is about).
How can I have evidence if I did not expect something like this to happen, when restarting the arenas the counter of the 10 games played is deleted and I do not think it is fair to be taking photos every week to have proof that I did the 10 weekly arenas, Nobody is prepared for that, and even so it will be very tedious to take a photo every week to be careful that they pay me my arena points
we are 4 people in the same group we play we make pairs to play the 10 arenas that means that each one did the 10 corresponding arenas but only 1 was paid their arena points me and 2 more friends were not paid the arena points as it should be
Arena Points are handed out automatically.
If you didn't receive them for the week, you failed to meet one of the requirements.
I have understood that the only requirements for the payment of the arenas is to play 10 games and if that is the case, I did meet the requirements but for some reason my payment of arena points did not arrive, but hey from what I see from now on I have to be taking photos because it seems that they will not do anything about it with that bug, now I have to be taking photos of the weekly arenas that I take for a future case and if it happens again I hope that Also understand that I will continue waiting for this week's arena, you can pay me for it because I will already have the evidence that what happened was a bug.
Isn't there some "you need to have plaid at least xx% of the games"?
Members receive arena points if 1) the arena team they belong to has played at least 10 games and 2) they have played at least 30% of all games played by the team.
If you played in couples it's possible that all of you played around 25% of arenas of the team each which means none of you got any points.
Edited: March 16, 2023
Bro, thank you very much, it was the most coherent answer they have given me, you should be a moderator
All that salt isn't proper seasoning for the extra large portion of lazy you had when you went "bugged" instead of reading up how the point distribution works.
With all the respect you deserve, the answers you give me seem very unprofessional on the part of a moderator, the only thing I was asking for is an explanation from him why that happened, wow it is a very extensive game and for a player who is not experienced Like me and I don't know all the mechanics of the game, that's why I went to the help of a moderator but the answer I received was very unfriendly and without any information that would resolve my doubt.
The answer you received covered what had happened.
You could then have asked what the requirements were or even have just used Google. They existed on retail too and you would have found that in less time than it took to instead Karen-up, go on about how you understood the requirements, whine about "having to take screenshots" because you insisted it was a bug, and get on the verge of asking to talk to the manager to get "paid up" for this week. I'm here to moderate the Forum, not to spoon feed someone *****ing.