1. Valanyr item level raised to 258 as blizzlike.

    Hello guys. I'm the owner of two valanyr's, third one is incomming soon. I'd love to know what do you think about valanyr item level raised from 245 to 258 as was implemented recently on classic wotlk. The 258ilvl mace has huge stat buff (621 to 701sp relative to 245 version) which make it even better to consider. This is a casual conversation, let me know what you think about it. If the feedback is positive enough, we may be able to get the administration to change. In my personal opinion the stat improvement might cause valanyr being even more legendary. I think it might be doable, seems classic wotlk helped them to fix Raid Browser.
    Edited: March 21, 2023

  2. We're not hosting Classic.
    Yep. This is the real classic wrarth. What blizz has done with wrath classic is an abomination. 245 ilvl, no item lvl buffs, leave it be.

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