1. impossible to quest in Scholazar Basin

    Bro im just tryna level up and i keep getting ganked by level 80s and having my corpse being camped. What do you get from killing level 77s you limp dick ****ers? Im typing this while waiting for my res timer to run out. My brother in christ, im gonna camp the **** out of some innocents when i get 80 + gear, im gonna camp the **** out of them. They're gonna suffer like i did, im gonna make them want to uninstall the game and get a life instead. Bro i cant even pass a level 80 in this game without them one shotting me and then /spitting on me - this is the WoW equivalent of smacking a child in the face and then telling the mother to go **** herself. I guess i'll go level in some instances or some **** instead. **** you guys.

  2. Off the 2 times I've hit 80, as I reach 77 I head straight to K51 in Storm Peaks, those quests will get you to 80 in less than 1 hour. You can prob run into the opposing faction now and then but nothing compared to SB which is a farming point for Herbalists.

    Head to K51, take a deep breath and forget about the griefers

  3. My man, big respect. Thank you for the reply and have a nice day.

  4. im gonna camp the **** out of some innocents when i get 80 + gear, im gonna camp the **** out of them
    What do you figure could be the odds that they are doing what you plan to do yourself?

  5. Nah this was just me talking **** while waiting for my res timer to expire, I wouldn't kill lower levels because my appendage isn't a lacklustre size. I have walked past many lower levelled apposing faction members while levelling and have simply let them be - even though I could one-shot them easily. I'm not a dick. My guess as to why they do it is because maybe its the only sense of power they can get, griefing people lesser than them. They want revenge for their high school days where they were maybe lonely or bullied, or maybe they use it as an outlet to distract them from their parent's terrible marriage and subsequently terrible upbringing.

  6. My guess as to why they do it is because maybe its the only sense of power they can get, griefing people lesser than them. They want revenge for their high school days where they were maybe lonely or bullied, or maybe they use it as an outlet to distract them from their parent's terrible marriage and subsequently terrible upbringing.
    Are you projecting by any chance?

    They do it because they can. They do it because they push for reactions people give them (qq threads, bringing mains, angry whispers). Or they just simply put like it. I wager fighting against players is more fun than killing that same boss over and over again.

    We all have different tastes, ways to play and enjoy things. You getting the short end of somebody's fun doesn't make them douche-bags you paint them to be.

  7. Are you projecting by any chance?

    They do it because they can. They do it because they push for reactions people give them (qq threads, bringing mains, angry whispers). Or they just simply put like it. I wager fighting against players is more fun than killing that same boss over and over again.

    We all have different tastes, ways to play and enjoy things. You getting the short end of somebody's fun doesn't make them douche-bags you paint them to be.
    I just don't see the point of killing someone without challenge, its hard for me to see how it is fun from their perspective because for me it would be no fun at all. It would make me feel like a prick to be honest. I went to storm peaks after posting this thread and a rogue was camping me at the quest givers and then running from the guards. And I literally cannot put myself in his shoes. I cannot fathom getting any fun from what he was doing. And for your information I was not projecting, I was just trying to think of the type of people who would find ganking lower levels fun, and this is the only type of person I could think of.

  8. Sholazar always been like that since molten days. lvling there is a bad idea. sholazar has all those rare beasts wich makes it quite competitive, also lvl 79's twinks etc.

  9. With 7x you can avoid Sholazar Basin altogether. I almost never quest there.

  10. With 7x you can avoid Sholazar Basin altogether. I almost never quest there.
    Yeah, also the quests don't give any essential rep, unless you're after the green drake mount it's pretty pointless to go there.
    I always go Borean > Dragonblight > Icecrown which puts my char at honored/revered with most of the useful factions for some nice starting gear.

    But after so many years I don't even mind the ganking that much. You die, you rez, you move on, like whatever.

  11. I was just trying to think of the type of people who would find ganking lower levels fun, and this is the only type of person I could think of.
    What a narrow mind you have. Somebody doing "bad" things in a video game doesn't make them some real-life antagonists. Trying to shove and live by some real-life expectations/values in games won't get you far, you're only shooting yourself in the foot on the long run.

    Sholazar Basin been always like that. If you have no tangible reason to be there, don't go there as rpgfan10208 stated above. I'm quite sure I only have a character or two with that area explored/visited. For the majority of my characters, it's still unvisited.

  12. How old are you?

    People play here cause they like it, some more and some less but that doesnt give you the right to judge anyone and call them *******s or cause they were bullied and now ur getting raped in a jungle.

    I kill low levels because i like it, because its allowed, because that. s how this game is built and that. s how the develepers of the game intended it to be.

    If you dont like it then off to offficial blizzlike servers, select rpg and enjoy being a pansy snowflake who wont allow anyone to be mean to you.

    Brb, alt tab to kill some lowbie..

  13. I kill low levels because i like it, because its allowed, because that. s how this game is built and that. s how the develepers of the game intended it to be.

    If you dont like it then off to offficial blizzlike servers, select rpg and enjoy being a pansy snowflake who wont allow anyone to be mean to you.
    No, it isn't. The game originally didn't have so-called """open world PvP""". There were no PvP servers. They came later, and when they did PvE servers were called Normal servers. You're also majorly out of the loop if you think retail is different right now, might want to read up how War Mode works (tip: it goes even further than PvE servers, PvPers are in a separate phase, Normal players don't even see or interact with them).

  14. Well i have not been in touch with how things are going on official servers, j was just responding to the dude above wailing about getting corpse camped in basin.

  15. How old are you?

    People play here cause they like it, some more and some less but that doesnt give you the right to judge anyone and call them *******s or cause they were bullied and now ur getting raped in a jungle.

    I kill low levels because i like it, because its allowed, because that. s how this game is built and that. s how the develepers of the game intended it to be.

    If you dont like it then off to offficial blizzlike servers, select rpg and enjoy being a pansy snowflake who wont allow anyone to be mean to you.

    Brb, alt tab to kill some lowbie..
    I had a good laugh reading this, thanks for posting!

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