1. Warrior Macro - Stances + 5 min cds

    LF suggestions how to prevent accidentally activating the 5 min cds a.k.a retaliation,shield wall,recklessness in the following macro (its the same for the other stances just different weapon/shield and 5 min cd ) :

    #showtooltip Retaliation
    /cast Battle Stance
    /cast Retaliation
    /equip Weapon Name
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    Or any other ''good'' and working way to do it n terms of icons/keys minimization

    PS: Stance and 5 min cds are not on the same global.In the case of weapons change there is a global CD between them

  2. The abilities you listed should be on their own seperate macros rather than being mixed with others, you can include weapon switch macros for stances and make non stance switch macros with some key abilities (ie, s reflect etc.), also for certain abilities you can include stance switching without including weap switches (ie, intercept macro.).

  3. I like macros, I'm not a master but I write a lot of them so this might help. I think that with the way the macro system works, having /cast Retaliation by itself anywhere in a macro will always cast retaliation because it is off the GCD. So if they have to be on the same button, I would probably do something like this

    /cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance; [mod:alt, stance:1] Retaliation
    /equip [nomod, stance:1] Weapon
    /cancelaura bladestorm

    Pretty basic, and holding alt won't switch your weapon, so you could add more conditionals for that if you wanted. You could change the logic to have it cast retaliation with no mod and change equip to a mod key if that feels better, or break your macro into two, one that changes your stance and casts retaliation, equips wep and stops bladestorm, and a second macro just for weapon swapping. The mod key can be ctrl, alt, or shift.

    The [stance:1/2/3] or [nostance:1/2/3] macros are very useful for warriors, and druids can use [form/noform:1/2/3/4/5/6]. You can have multiple stance or form options in the same macro too as long as the logic doesn't conflict. Play around with the macro system and see what works for you.

    /equip weapon
    /equip shield
    /cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; [stance:2]Shield Wall

  4. Well using Alt for something else,Only got Ctrl free but its not handy for me

    This is what i use currently for stances + weapons change

    /cast Battle Stance
    /equip Weapon Name
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    and for 5 min cd

    /cast [stance:1] Retaliation
    /cast [stance:2] Shield Wall
    /cast [stance:3] Recklessness
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    I just wanted to add the 5 min cds to stances macros to simplify it,but for now i don't have a working solution
    As well having a spell that requires a certain stance in the same key/macro combo casts it faster (what i use for most such abilities) than in 2 different key/macros
    The correspondence stance + the same required stance to use certain ability in one macro/key just looks handy for the moment

    I will probably find a way with time - it depends of the use of all keys,mods and macros and the ability to change and improve

    Any ideas are welcome
    Edited: March 27, 2023

  5. ...


    Edited: November 7, 2023

  6. Yep.Casting it with mod is the only working solution,for now

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