1. Oh and also please consider the RDF (even if with tuned rewards), weekly raid quests, and increasing walk and run speed inside instances/ cities by some 30%/ 100%.
    Thank you!

  2. That's the dumbest idea I've heard u can't be this lazy wtf. Why even play this game if you want it this fast don't ever give a suggestion like that it's disgraceful to the game

  3. Oh and also please consider the RDF (even if with tuned rewards), weekly raid quests, and increasing walk and run speed inside instances/ cities by some 30%/ 100%.
    Thank you!
    i would really love the quest givers at the begging of every dungeon. weekly raid quest but with gold a random darkmoon card till wotlk will be awesome.

  4. Oh and also please consider the RDF (even if with tuned rewards), weekly raid quests, and increasing walk and run speed inside instances/ cities by some 30%/ 100%.
    Thank you!
    Implementing pet battles would be cool aswell. I hope Warmane is also considering something like a reward box for every 5 levels that contains gold/bonus exp/ blue items. Leveling in vanilla 1 to 60 is boring as hell and would be cool to have a 50% speed mount at level 10 or something like that.
    RDF would be cool, but single player option for dungeons would be cool aswell. Also faction perks such as free teleport to the capital cities would be great.
    Just sharing my thoughts and ideas here.

    Rates x5 (1-40), x7 (40-60). Level 40 grind is boring, game stops being interesting.
    Free 50% speed mount at level 10 is must have
    Gold reward for every 10 levels
    Increased running speed in capital cities is must have!
    Level 60 pre-raid set!

  5. if you guys want to play on a non-blizzlike FUN server. just go play there... stop begging warmane devs for all of these flavor changes just because you want to be rewarded for the most basic ****

  6. if you guys want to play on a non-blizzlike FUN server. just go play there... stop begging warmane devs for all of these flavor changes just because you want to be rewarded for the most basic ****
    Blizzlike is dead, and noone is interested in it at this point. It's not time-efficient and just wastes your time.

  7. Implementing pet battles would be cool aswell. I hope Warmane is also considering something like a reward box for every 5 levels that contains gold/bonus exp/ blue items. Leveling in vanilla 1 to 60 is boring as hell and would be cool to have a 50% speed mount at level 10 or something like that.
    RDF would be cool, but single player option for dungeons would be cool aswell. Also faction perks such as free teleport to the capital cities would be great.
    Just sharing my thoughts and ideas here.

    Rates x5 (1-40), x7 (40-60). Level 40 grind is boring, game stops being interesting.
    Free 50% speed mount at level 10 is must have
    Gold reward for every 10 levels
    Increased running speed in capital cities is must have!
    Level 60 pre-raid set!
    There has to be some balance in between what really helps to keep people interested and what's just a bandate for lazy people.

    If the game stops being rewarding it also stops being fun after a while.

    * Rates should be kept in hands of the players, if they like blizz or x5 you should be able to choose it, it doesn't really matter that much in the end.
    * Some sort of small reward for every 10 levels is a good idea, but within some acceptable levels, for example gold for spells or for mount. In the start there won't be enough gold and AH will be nearly empty, only source of money will be quests and loot.
    * You will have level 20 in no time, there no reason or a big difference to set it up at level 10, especially if XP rates are higher. Blizz idea to move it from 40 to 20 was great, I just couldn't imagina to be still on foot at level 39, thats just insane ( in 2023 ).
    * I hope RDF will be there from the beginning as well as to be able to join as solo player, very good idea.
    * Increased running speed is just extra, how many times you go there before level 20. If you plan ahead what you really need in the capital, then you don't have to spend there a lot of time going from one edge to the other.

    Blizzlike is pretty much dead as you said, it's been done so many times before there just has to be some clever solutions to improve the boring parts of the game and speed them up. As I said, there must be some fine balance and a discussion on how it will affect the game. The goal of these changes must be to reduce the boring parts to a minimum but it can't slip into some random instant FUN madness.

    Just sharing my thoughts and ideas here as well.

  8. Keep the XP x7, if people really want the x1 they can just change XP
    -You will not be left behind in an empty world, people will create new chars more often and not all players start at the same time, people will still join weeks after release.
    -On x1 it takes 6+days played from 0-max level, so 2-4 hours a day makes it 36-72days+ to reach max level.

    DK's has nothing to do with Vanilla/TBC, like Pala is an Alliance class and Sharman is a Horde class in Vanilla.
    -They are using real talents for each expansion, so hopefully they will also keep the correct classes!

    Something like RDF or mount in level 20, would be cool, but has nothing to do with Vanilla/TBC
    -So in the end you should leave such things.
    -Innkeepers will teleport you to the summoning stone (thats how it works in vanilla)

    As a progression server PvE is the way to go, if people want PvP they can join Blackrock, or flag PvP.
    - Making Frostmourne PvE was a great choise, even tho people were whineing, they server kept being full.

    Right now Warmane have not really given any real information, so we just gotta wait (:

  9. i would really love the quest givers at the begging of every dungeon. weekly raid quest but with gold a random darkmoon card till wotlk will be awesome.
    That would be very good. I was leveling an alt recently and went through the whole... let me just go grab the quests in case the RDF sends me to Terokkar instances. Make this in all instances! Dungeons and raids!

    Other possible features:
    -> Crossfaction?
    -> Racial Swap? (like some TBC server did)
    -> Having all dungeon and heroic dailies as alternative daily quests, maybe limit it to only 5 per day, or make it use up 5 daily quests/trigger thingy so the limit is respected.
    -> Enabling World Bosses inside instances through a summon item that drops from the last boss in each raid tier (like that yet other TBC server did server, so it does not get farmed only by "early" loggers) and having summer fire fest/Ahune/Headless horseman, etc always enabled through similar mechanisms.
    -> Remove requirement for summon bosses like fishing, Yor in TBC, etc.

  10. if you guys want to play on a non-blizzlike FUN server. just go play there... stop begging warmane devs for all of these flavor changes just because you want to be rewarded for the most basic ****
    is so hard and romantic the vanilla experience, not for everyone, right? because was super hard!!! no one can stand that. is not like anyone gonna spam shadowbolt on raid and be top dps or make a night elf rogue subtle to gank lows.

  11. Vanilla 1.12 has always been the best expansion!

  12. "we plan to post a thread in near future containing significantly more details, including the release date, possible Beta testing periods and such."

    When the "near future" will happen? its been 3 weeks and not a single word about "more details, including the release date, possible Beta testing periods and such" :c

  13. 1. Add 1 extra GY spawn point per zone, please. Vanilla/BC were fantastic, BUT the super long GY runs sometimes were truly awful.
    Or give a 100-200% movement speed increase as ghost?
    2. regarding the 2x, 3x, 7x etc arguement, maybe have it scale? Week 1 of Vanilla it's 1x. Week 2, 1-2X. Week 3, 1-3x and so on. Gradually increase it. Everyone wins.

  14. Please consider adding an updated LFG like in wrath classic? Maybe you can backport it somehow?

    So you can queue specific dungeons for old content! Or queue in party to carry your friends and alts!

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