1. Are Alliance players *******s or is it just human nature? (Lordaeron Server)

    Been playing as a horde for some time and I have never got in a fair fight with an alliance player. They always wait until I am low health, they attack when I start attacking a mob or are just lvl 80 in a lvl 30-60 zone (and they one shot me).
    Does Horde behave the same way? Are all humans ****s or are just alliance players like that on this server?

  2. Any person with more than marbles in their head will use all the advantage and tricks to win. If you find yourself in "a fair fight", you already made a mistake. All the ganking and stuff is just how it is. Keep your eyes open, stack the deck in your favour and you will be fine.

  3. It's a bit weird to go about having an advantage in a fight that gains you nothing.
    You play this game to have fun. How is it fun to one shot somebody?

    I play singleplayer games on normal/hard for the added challenge. This is actively picking easy while also worsening the experience for another player. I know it's in the nature of the faction war. I was just curios if only alliance players are ****s or if Horde suffers from this hatred as well?
    Edited: March 30, 2023

  4. Alliance has its own ganking guilds, Horde has its own, for me, it's more a matter of avoiding the cancer ganky zones than anything else while I'm leveling new chars... I at best do a handful of quests in Tanaris, STV, Un'Goro, Arathi and such, picking my leveling path among the zones nobody likes (have you heard of "Desolace" or "Feralas"?) where there's, within a rounding error, nobody there, no ganking, no toxic trash, just some obscure quests, often with more running than killing, but it's fine if you're not in a hurry

  5. Few comments..

    1) very few people ever truly want a fair fight. How many people you honestly know (not counting yourself) that are legitimately satisfied with a 50% win rate?
    2) if a player is in a low level zone it's for a purpose. Either they're helping someone, enjoy the scenery, or wanna corpse camp.
    3) it IS more alliance players and always will be. There are many different reasons why someone would choose a faction to play on. There is a type that play alliance because they got tired of losing on horde. This type is the same type that would corpse camp. The best thing you can do is find some way inside yourself to not let it frustrate you. Perhaps accepting it and turning it into a mini game of avoiding allies or whatever; i don't know, I'm a nab that just power leveled and bought donor gear.
    4) they ARE having fun. You may not like easy mode but clearly many do. Accept that what they're doing is their fun. Maybe even be happy for them that they found fun in the game.. Whoa, I should have done that (the people you referring to annoyed me too lol)
    5) as someone started, find the leveling areas off the beaten path.
    6) you're totally going to hate max level bgs :( lol

  6. Whats your in game nick? Id like to join the gank as i find it exceptionally pleasant to oneshot someone who choses to press the buttons to type about how hopeless he is rather than press abilities and take up the fight.

  7. @Nasty
    Judging by your recent posts, you are very delusional and naive. You don't understand players even slightly, despite what you are claiming.
    You've never had to take place of tank, when some crybaby leaves due to "this dungeon doesn't drop my loot", nor you've encountered bored tard who griefs for "lulz".
    Inly Devs know true scale, and they are right to not share it with community. But as Alliance player, i've encountered enough Horde zealots who would.camp me.for hour given chance, till i bring my warr main to end them in 3 hits with Shadowmourne.

  8. "I play singleplayer games on normal/hard for the added challenge"
    "Waahh, why are you making my game harder, I'm gonna cry on the forums about this."
    The wonderful salt of another crybaby Horde.

  9. It's the human condition. There's always been and always will be at least 2 points of view bickering over moral authority. History is a great case and point.

  10. I love these "PVE" pacifists and eternal victims. When they fight a lot of mobs, low on hp and you walk by them, it's all good and respectful. But then you fight a lot of mobs, guess what happens? Yeah. Then you hunt him for a bit, he goes and makes a topic how this evil dude is corpse camping him.

  11. Yeah, figured this might be hopeless. It's my fault to think that WOTLK players won't be elitists - imagine being an elitist regarding a video game and thinking yourself superior - haha :D
    No point in trying to respond to most of the people here since the IQ seems to be lukewarm at best.

    For the actual people that had intelligible replies, thanks for your input. It was mostly a curiosity of mine. I always played horde on this server so I was never ganked by my own faction. Seems it's just human nature after all.

    P.S. Would advise those who comment to actually read the post. Am not complaining it's happening. I don't like it, but there is not much I can do about it. I was just wondering if it's an alliance thing or if horde as just as scummy. But people who are eternally angry will be angry on forums as well.

    Edited: April 4, 2023

  12. Well, I'd say asking a question to which answer was known for certain some 30 years ago is someone with "lukewarm IQ" would ask.

  13. You can always download IsBoxer, get a few more accounts, and mbox. Nothing screams edgelord like overwhelming the wpvp trash with 5x dudu or dk+4rets. Sometimes the best way to fight toxic behavior is to take it to the next level within the limits of the rules.

  14. You are making him get his main.

  15. lmfao. haven't seen that in a while. good times.

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