Now many people that were farming gold=coins in lower population easyer will be mad. Thank you for that decision, frostmourne broke Icecrown even more than you think. I think its better to not have that realm at all in the future.
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Now many people that were farming gold=coins in lower population easyer will be mad. Thank you for that decision, frostmourne broke Icecrown even more than you think. I think its better to not have that realm at all in the future.
Of course.
We'll be able to migrate characters after this season at least? Srsly don't wanna lose my pala ):
"We ran out of ideas" is a pretty poor excuse for a seasonal realm. The season is the idea. The fresh launch is the draw, not whatever unique spin you put on it. I'm sure I can speak for most people here when I say I would play a standard x7 WotLK fresh with no other unique ideas. The fresh is the point, not whatever Timewalking sideshow nonsense you implement each year.
Given that it seems like the progressive realm is many months away, this just seems like a really poor decision to me. It's not like re-launching fresh costs you too much development time.
There's also the consideration that A) not everyone cares about vanilla (raises hand), and B) even the people who like TBC/WotLK aren't going to slog through Vanilla to play it, or aren't going to start playing when it progresses because the server won't be fresh then.
This is a fat L, frankly.
You guys got bored, so that must mean the community is too. I was prepped to buy some professions and finally play some early tier content. F me I guess. Time to retire this game again.
There is no raids in FM for almost a month now. Can the characters movement happen earlier? To icecrown
How did Frost break icecrown? What's the issue?
Yeah, Warmane has stable community, Yeah Icecrown's population will be always good. Yeah **** Frostmourne, Yeah **** new players.
Warmane has large enough community to function. but most of the time why it has this large population is comes down to the new players. Frostmourne was a genius idea. Offer new players to who are interested in not only Wrath but World of warcraft as a whole a chance to experience everything from beginning. You guys ever wonder why in your groups, raids, parties that one or two random *******s who knows nothing about raids? Because those are the newer players who wanted to experience the Wrath and WoW. Frostmourne was that platform. it offers both veteran and new players to enjoy the game. Icecrown is just most toxic ****e in the planet that is called a realm. Froustmourne was safety net for most of the people who were interested in WOTLK experience.
Cutting Frostmoure is like cutting your blood circulation to your arm and wondering why it can't move and smells bad.
This is so brutal. I know Im not the only one that loved Frostmourne this season especially because it was finally a good WOTLK server with a PVE ruleset on Warmane.
There are no other options and the Progressive realm will SURELY be a PVP ruleset too, so we are once again just SOL on private servers as PVE realm players. I know we are a minority, but Jesus Christ almighty... Frostmourne had higher pops than Frostwolf easily.
PVE realm players are straight up cursed in the Private Server realm man. Its dire for us out here.
Just to drive home the point that the demand is there, currently **95%** of respondents on the discord poll want season 4 as a simple relaunch of S3.
You can't get 95% of people to agree that water is wet.
Terrible news... I skipped out on season 3, but was looking forward to play season 4 just for y'all to cancel it. No one really wanted new features, we just wanted to play fresh where people are actually progressing the game as intended from naxx to icc&rs. :(
Dev's have a vote up on the Unofficial Discord btw.
https //discord com/channels/366432000761921536/957261878688632832/1094040957256732724
Discord link is in the thread:
https //forum.warmane com/showthread.php?t=432965
Fill in the blanks.