1. Should I switch to Alliance

    Hey guys,

    So I transferred my char from Frostmourne to ICC the other day. I used to enjoy playing BGs a lot, I am a rogue that's my thing. Frostmourne BGs were amazing experience as they kept the randomness of players in terms of gear to a certain extent.

    Unfortunately since the transfer I cant win a single game as Horde. Its like really bad. Not only we don't win but most of the time they farm us on GY and dont play objective.

    I was looking for a premade to get my daily completed, but people don't seem to be interested. Then they explained to me that BGs are broken because they are farmed by alliance premades 24/7 and if I really want to focus on PVP bgs I should go to alliance and turn of Mercenary mode because it doesnt work for Horde and for Alliance you are always getting Horde and lose again.

    Is it really broken like this? Should I just transfer to Alliance?

    LF PvP guild that runs BGs <3 on Horde (for now)

  2. Make the switch and get all flightpaths. Unless you want to raid as Horde for some ICC gear.

  3. Hard to find ppl to raid, longer bgs que, more children, slightly more toxic.
    Have fun.

  4. Let me see, lose 90% BGs as Horde solo queue vs 50% win rate as Alliance. Yeah, I'll take the extra 3-5 min wait time.

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