No debuff limit... Does this include DOTs?
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is a DOT a debuff?
and again .... and again.... and again
everyone keeps repeating their little dream world ideas and every time its a fat NOPE - and STILL people wonder why Warmane staff suddenly just stops giving a hoot about communicating back to the players.
I love that you are doing this realm :) i just whant a date for release so i can plan a vacation from work XD
you guys are doing a great work :)
After leveling my 4th character to 60 on x50 in all zones, and doing almost all dungs, I found very little gamebreaking or immediately noticeable bugs. Looking at the bugtracker, it seems nearly all bugs are fixed and very few new ones are coming in. I think the server would be ready for release in a month, but more likely in November to ensure the high standard of quality of Warmane servers.
I dont remember if in classic/ vanilla the PvP vendor for Warsong Gulch has reputation gate but atm everyone coa buy all PvP stuff form vendor w/o any reputation. Anyone know how should be?
What about world bosses and PVP? maybe at least after 60 lvl
disabling pvp will be impossible
No you wont, pretty much every game wont let you have your progression after a BETA end.
no release date yet
it will be pve/pvp like most other warmane realms.they haven't said anything about a pvp realm for vanilla as of yet
Fingers crossed for PvE
If they paid any attention to the mostly positive feedback on FM3 PvE realm, than most likely it's gonna be PvE. Making PvP server in 2023 is a big L