No announcement or stated plan for Phase 3 has been made...but they've said there may be more Phases if they feel they are needed, or see a certain aspect of the game needs more looked into/polishing after they're done with Phase 2.
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No announcement or stated plan for Phase 3 has been made...but they've said there may be more Phases if they feel they are needed, or see a certain aspect of the game needs more looked into/polishing after they're done with Phase 2.
i noticed now that onyxia is starting from level 1 . Is still a beta version?? i can see x50 exp ecc.
Still beta. Still PTR. Testing all content, from level 1-60. 50x is available if you rather skip to testing end game content faster.
listen to me for a second: 2 topics
orb of deception: 5min dur / 30min cd. when you take of the trinket you go back to normal. i mean come on maybe 30min dur/ 30min cd, if you take the trinket you still be transformed
librams=enchants for head: i mean, you have the libram, change for the enchant. 16 + stat is top g, but come one 30g plus travel each time? you know how much is 8 stamina? 80hp. plus u need a lot of time for travel and gold
i know classic andys will cry for year for this because
Why are you still spamming about xp, and the release date ?!?!?! They say at the start everything needs time to be tested! Everybody will be free to choose the EXP in-game 1x to 5x.
Look man, I "listened"...but I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Let's see if I can make sense of the rambling though.
So you're saying the Vanilla item has a 5min buff, and a 30min CD, and when you remove the trinket, you also lose the buff even if it has duration left...and you want it custom-changed so that the buff can last for 30 minutes, and doesn't get removed when you remove the trinket?
I'd honestly be fine with the buff not getting removed with the trinket...but that sounds like a custom change, and I'm not sure they're going to make a custom change for a cosmetic effect that doesn't have any impact on gameplay.
So you're saying Librams are too weak for the cost and time investment, I think?...and as a solution you want to double the enchanted stats they give? They're the best in slot enchants for the game...they're not supposed to be cheap.
hey guys, does the progress save itself when it comes to release alpha for those who play on beta?
1: Alpha is a testing stage BEFORE Beta...stop listening to Tate that Alpha is the best...he's wrong, and he's making you wrong.
2: Nothing from Beta will transfer to launch. They've also implied that name reservations, if they are a thing, will not be linked to activity on Beta activity.
Beta is for testing, finding bugs, reporting the bugs, and getting the bugs fixed. Nothing else.
The problem with this is that WoW is an MMO. Setting your own exp rate lower is an absolutely assured way of not being able to make any friends who you consistently play with, because everyone you meet will immediately pass you. It's not a viable option.
The fact is that 5x is just too fast. Way too fast. So fast that you're almost done with Elwynn by the time you finish Northshire. It's a ridiculous rate of exp that basically just means skipping the entire game. 3x on the other hand is very fast, but still allows players to get a sense that they completed some zones and had some adventures in Azeroth. The world of Azeroth is huge and has thousands of things to do, and skipping all of it at 5x is not necessary. At a rate of 3x, plus rest exp, it's very easy to get to 60 in under a month, and no one needs to level faster than that.
For that to be true, no one else would have set their own rate to x1 or x3. And if no one else set their rate to x1 or x3, why should they all play on x1 or x3 only because you want it?
You're judging the whole game by the first 5-10 levels. The first levels are supposed to be quick and easy...even at 1x. They're supposed to make you feel like you're making progress to get you hooked on the dopamine drip of progress. Just like the game slows down at 1x, it slows down at 5x...and 5x is fine.
Because of the second paragraph which you conveniently forgot to quote. Are you a child?
Likewise to the post after yours, which claims "5x is fine" without giving any reason or argument why this is so. Clearly you guys are just lazy.
the problem with your argument is the lack of statistic and mostly based on feelings.
warmane hosts both slow and fast rate realms which u can clearly tell which one has more population. and im not only talking about wotlk realms, the last tbc realms hosted also had the same statistic.
with records from multiple x1realms hosted always have lesser pop should tell enough that people just prefer faster rates, simple as that.
kinda stupid saying 5x is too fast considering this was never a vanilla project to begin with