Hello guys, i have question. do you guys plans to be vanilla-wotlk or vanilla-cata or maybe vanilla-mop?
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Hello guys, i have question. do you guys plans to be vanilla-wotlk or vanilla-cata or maybe vanilla-mop?
Currently they only plan for Vanilla -> TBC -> Wrath. It's in the "Content progression:" spoiler of the OP.
so here's a weird question:
at the end of the each expansion do we get like a pre-patch event where we can get the next expansion (like in tbc we can lvl up DKs and get new talents and stuff like that) or the stuff comes when expansion progressed?
I really dont see the point of hidden enemy buffs, they are clearly readable from combatlog, can be worked around with an addon easily
When i said: I think, that doesn't mean I know, you can said again that you don't understand me well , bye bye
old man , stop gaslighting and insult people on the Internet. AND again - never talk with me please(actually u can, but I won't see it )
Having a horde paladin is just a random funny fkin and useless idea meanwhile Dual spec makes perfect sense in classic since for many classes, if you are pve specced ,you are useless in pvp and vice versa. RDF is also QOL imporovement since the only thing you can achieve when NOT having a RDF is making your way to a dungeon throgh cave mobs for 1 hour (like maraudon or uldaman) and wasting that 1 hour of your life for LITERALLY NOTHING.
When will be the release? I have the answer.
Like warmane its a seriously company and want to do a server really blizzlike. The legal server opened at 2004, so this server vanilla will open in 2042 (2023+19).
So guys, my recomend its hibernation and open the eyes at 2042, brb guys.
Hey guys,
I think we should name the Sever Thunderfury instead of Onyxia... I think it sounds cooler. The previous seasonal sever Frostmourne was named after a weapon as well.
Thunderfury +1
yeah or THUNDERDOME, has nothing to do with wow but mad max 3 was top g for an average enjoyer like me
Thunderfury +2
The coolness of the Thunderfury name has been killed by too many kids zerging out spam "Did you say..." memes in chat. Also, it was purely Vanilla.
If you have to have a lore-weapon name for the realm name, Ashbringer is better. Was talked about in Vanilla, and players were always hunting (back in the day) for secret quests that might finally reward it...and it was also rumored to be in Outland from some quest text clues...only to be finally found in Northrend during a quest.
Onyxia is a great name, no need to change it. Represents both the beginning and ''end'' of this Warmane journey since she's in both the first and last versions of the project.
Hello Dear Community of Warmane,
Can you give any kind of information for releasing month, any hint will be very good for us.
And please do it this year, not early 2024.
The best time for releasing any kind of games is winter, because people have more time spending for gaming and etc.
Cheers to all!
On Onyxia for a few now, reading the details, I expected vanilla quests and things during vanilla era, but I am seeing what appears to be WotLK content. Is this strictly the 3.3.5a questing / world content with in-era [vanilla/tbc/wotlk] spells and talents throughout the progression?