Oh look guys it's the 15th of October. Only 6 more months until we get a custom vanilla server. Weaponize yourself with patience.
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Oh look guys it's the 15th of October. Only 6 more months until we get a custom vanilla server. Weaponize yourself with patience.
Reading something like this makes me even more eager to play. Can't wait for this server to start, so i can do some proper wpvp on the pvp realm.
oh wow, today is 17 and not release yet, dang that naxxramas is delayed. anyway, in another news, when the warmane classic plus server will come out? 2300?
I ve played the beta a bunch and its pretty much playable, there are minor bugs but nothing major, idk why they cant give any update, beta been running for 2 months now, lots of stuff has been fixed
Lets be real... Warmane has failed to comunicate this in proper way, regardelss when they say it will come out when its ready..... Just extremly bad reaching out to community on this mater.
yeah i personally dont understand the reason for it, i hear people already giving up on this and going to one of other upcoming servers, because they dont know how much longer they have to wait. If there was atleast some vague ETA, but we dont know if it comes out in 1 months or 6 months, it could be anything rn