Just make a poll on xp rates :
-xp x1
-xp x3
-xp x5
IMO x3 is best for vanilla.
There is also the possibility of variable xp rates through the content.
Vanilla => xp x3
Tbc => xp x 5
Wotlk => xp x5-7
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Just make a poll on xp rates :
-xp x1
-xp x3
-xp x5
IMO x3 is best for vanilla.
There is also the possibility of variable xp rates through the content.
Vanilla => xp x3
Tbc => xp x 5
Wotlk => xp x5-7
That's your personal opinion only. Valid, sure, but your opinion. Yet just as valid as of those people who for whatever reason don't want the "vanilla journey," for the first time or again.
Getting left behind is a reality if you have this mindset of wanting x1 anyway. While you are "journeying," others will be rushing in the optimal way, even with such low rates, so you might as well come to terms with it now.
On the point of problems finding groups, let's analyze that a little. There are two main scenarios here, either you're right or you're wrong.
If you're wrong, and variable rates don't make finding groups difficult, it would in fact be proving that a nice amount of players wanted to play in low rates. Even with the option to go higher they wanted "the journey" and the variable rates didn't change that. Awesome, isn't it?
But now if you're correct, what would it mean? That the amount of players truly wanting to play in low rates was that small or that they didn't want it that badly. People who care about "the journey" wouldn't be peer-pressured into playing at a higher rate if they were that numerous, after all. So what this scenario would say is that if we were to cater to "the journey people" and have a static x1, we would be harming all the people who aren't coming here for that.
So, all in all, what is the issue with variable rates, beyond that it would be definitive proof of which rates most people want to play with?
For anyone that wants x1 Vanilla - there is official classic from Blizzard.
For anyone that wants x7 - there is Icecrown.
This server is something in between - because it's x5.
The only problem I see is spell costs/mount costs - you will have less gold, but you can easy solve that by leveling Paladin first and farm gold on him.
As to the correlation with xp rates and bots - the lower xp rates, the more likely people will want to buy boosted char. Ain't nodoby got time to level x1 all over again.
Please, drop the whole "high rates means bots" bull****. The person who was spewing that repeatedly has already been put on a leave for all the implying that Icecrown is like that. The reality is that even retail, with all its GMs and x1 rates, has been plagued by bots since ever, and that's with a subscription fee in place.
I can't understand why people want exp rate x1 or x5. Personally, I think both exp rates are extremely bad. On the one hand, expenie is boring, and on the other hand, with an exp rate of x5, people will reach the maximum level in a few hours. After two weeks, these people will want TBC. Is this supposed to be a progressive server or WOTLK? I'm against exp rate x5, but exp rate x1 is even worse... Can't you choose between?
I think that the warmane admins is unlikely to change the rates for exp gaining and marketplace. Of course, time will tell what will happen with vanilla realm. It will be sad if realm ceases to be popular in two-three months after release.
I think it will be an interesting experience with 25 man raids and rdf system.
It's not even a vanilla realm, the focus is on the progressive nature of it.
Will we be able to transfer characters somewhere at the end? Like on lordaeron... And will be able some race/faction change in some moment for free?
It's only natural for the population to drop after some time. It's only bad if it's drastically decreasing.
It's really hard to make something new in the field of pservers novadays, without too much custom made content, in which case you can't be sure - will population like it or not, in a long-term.
Transfers would depend on the server being based on seasons. There wouldn't be a point if the server just became a regular one when we reached the end of the WotLK content. The only way transfers would happen to Lordaeron would be if the server was x1.
Not sure why there would be free race or factions changes, though.
Obviously everything everyone says here are opinions and speculations only, as we don't have the backing of the core data for the realms.
As for me 5x is not a dealbreaker but I'd much much much rather have 1x for a set amount of time BEFORE higher rates are enabled, which again, depending on the lenght of the "classic" period should be either weeks or months into it.
5x will harm just as many on the other side of the coin. Taking that into account you should change your approach and meet the 2 sides somewhere in the middle which would be 2x or 3x.
To reiterate what someone else mentioned in this thread, the very same people who want 5x or even higher are the same ones who within a month or so annoying everyone else with "When is Next tier/TBC/WOTLK?" take your pick. I've seen these very scenarios play out multiple times.
For your last point, it wouldnt be definitive, as I'm pretty sure we both know they will be "rushing in the optimal way" regardless of how they feel about the exp rates.
I just hope this releases in a state that's actually playable on launch without huge laggspikes, which Frostmournes suffered from.
Then it sounds to me like the whole talk about "journeys" isn't really that much of a big care, if even people wanting x1 wouldn't toggle that rate, but rush along with the others instead, making it so the "journey" talk is about simply trying to force the ones who want to go faster to go much slower.
Lordaeron is stuck with 3.3.5 and been so for years. Rolling alts over the course of several years is only natural.
Seasonal realms have time frames, and you kinda want to reach certain points (gear/level), so that you're ready for the next season.
"High" rates would mainly mean people would have more alts at max level to play with. Nothing else.
Ain't going to happen. Racial changes have been suggested countless times, and denied countless times.
Considering Warmane's playerbase, I can see why x5 is already considered middle ground. We've Lordaeron x1, and it's doing okay. We have Icecrown x7, and it's doing great. We also had Frostmourne x7, which also did great. We had TBC with x3 rates (IIRC), and it died. Either lack of interest, or the rates weren't appealing. I've leveled multiple characters on multiple expansions with multiple rates. It gets quite boring to do all the same fetch quests all over again and again.
With adjustable rates, those who want x1 can have it. Without adjustable rates, well you can always be unoptimal and do the journey you (plural) so desire. Who says you can't do grey quests in Barrens with your level 20 druid? Too easy? Take off some items. Can't be bothered? Did you want your journey or what?
Players will be annoying with "When is Next tier/TBC/WOTLK?" regardless of rates.
First forum post here. Playing on Warmane since the end of 2015 (early Lordaeron).
This is going to be VERY personnal but yeah... I'm a ret pally one trick kind of guy and oh boy have I minmaxed that mofo during the LK expansion. Also, oh boy did I dream of playing a viable retri during Vanilla and BC. Don't you guys think it's easier dev-wise to just keep the 3.3.5 talents and let everyone be creative? Or say, let the players spend their level 60 points on any talents they'd like with removing the limiations? In any case, since the core will be a custom 3.3.5, isn't it too much work to make the Vanilla talents coincide with the 3.3.5 spells and techniques progression? How do you guys plan on making that work anyway?
Regarding the 25 raids instead of 40, I'm all for it. Pardon me if someone pointed that out before but no one (among the 40men defenders) seemed to notice that the tier times will be limited (3 months per tier as for Frostmourne) and I for one WILL NOT be happy being part of a 40men core and wait for one item to drop while being 15th on the waiting list.
Also, please make achievement and tmogs available at the beginning (it's more money anyway) cause I just can't with patchwork gears.
Cheers to the staff and players with their good *** suggestions.