I hope they reconsider the idea of disable draeneis and belfs, some people will be forced to change at tbc for this, not for the class only, the race himself aswell, some people doesn´t like play UD class as priest.
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I hope they reconsider the idea of disable draeneis and belfs, some people will be forced to change at tbc for this, not for the class only, the race himself aswell, some people doesn´t like play UD class as priest.
Has there been any consideration of flagging certain zones PvP and others PvE? I'm fine with zones like STV, Hillsbrad, and Tanaris continuing to be hotspots like they were back in Vanilla - some of that open world battling was a lot of fun when retail first dropped. But it would also be nice to have an alternative if you're just interested in leveling a specific toon, so that people could either run the risk of joining the fray or use a different location that avoided it.
Will there be a community server forum opened up for this server (as there is for the other servers)?
Will Blood Elves with Paladin, Draenai with Shaman, and Death Knights be available at launch?
I would play wow, even if the only thing that was enabled, was old school AV.
AV was just as you described even during earlier TBC. I think it was either patch 2.2 or 2.3 that finally killed it/turned it into a race for a win.
The greatest priest of all time, was undead.
Regarding PVP/PVE realm, this is a good compromise. A hybrid PVP/PVE realm where PVP hotspots like STV, Hillsbrad, Tanaris etc are kept as world PVP zones while in others you can turn on your world PVP flag and do world PVP there as well. This creates a lot of opportunity for world PVP while still allowing the more PVE focused players to level and farm in peace without getting drawn into a cesspool of worldPVP.
I'm super hyped for this, everithing looks cool, but still many thoughts coming throught my head, for instance:
- will there be the vanilla PVP system implemented?
- or we going 3.3.5. way with honor as a currency?
- if we going as a currency, rank14 items will be somehow gated?
- Is there any eventuality about implementing arena system to vanilla, i think for many players, that can be really nice place to spend time, and you can gate rank14 gear to some rating requiremnts, so it still feels nice to have it.
Anyway super excited, i mean great job so far Warmane!
Most definitely.
Blood Elf Paladins - TBC
Draenei Shamans - TBC
Death Knights - WotLK
This is sooo horrible, i mean if the season lasts for 3 years, i will not willing to leave all my progression on my character i spent for a year just to create a blood elf ??? Or even worse, leave all my 2 year progression just to play the last year wich will be wotlk just to create DK.
There's always a possibility (and no, I'm not hinting or confirming anything, simply stating I can see it within the realm of possibilities, but I could easily be mistaken) Faction Changes might be offered for the first two cases.
As for Death Knights, they are a so-called Hero class that starts at level 55. They have no place, be it progression or lore-wise, as a playable class before Wrath of the Lich King, and for sure no player would absurdly expect that a whole custom progression from level 1 was created for them, right? If all you want to play in a multi-expansion progressive server is a class that should only be available at the last pack, no possibility of alts or anything... well, we have a WotLK server up right now.
I haven't seen many comments against paladins and shaman being available for both factions from the start. Now, I know, there is only fraction of people disscusin in this thread but are there any? Unless being strict on the evolution of Warcraft? Perhaps could this topic be up for disscusion?
Nope you dont have seasonal wotlk server up right now.
And this sux.