More like pedantic.
No, you're simply limiting it to the willing to take part in it. They can still gank each other freely, just not the ones who aren't interested.
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More like pedantic.
No, you're simply limiting it to the willing to take part in it. They can still gank each other freely, just not the ones who aren't interested.
Hard disagree on that. It just becomes a gankfest. The new player experience is unbearable. There’s no meaningful world pvp anyway.
A pve server appeals to far more players. As others have said, if the masses really wanted to flag and world pvp…they still can on a pve realm. And if you’re saying they won’t, how can you turn around and argue most people want a pvp realm?
Hm. While don't have any interest in ganking low levels, I DO have interest in PvP in endgame zones. I would love to be able to fight outside of Blackrock Mountain, just like in Vanilla.
Without this, I'll personally still play, but it'll just be to raidlog. I feel that my 'fun' would be directly impacted if I can't engage in group world PvP, even amongst people who are unexpecting. It adds to the game a lot for me, personally. Likewise, when I'm going to raid, my group and I fighting off attackers is an absolute blast. Stripping it away will directly impact my enjoyment of the game.
If your enjoyment requires interfering with other people's fun, I personally have no qualms about it being impacted.
Of course, this has no bearing on any of our servers, it's just my personal opinion. I don't and won't touch PvP servers.
The new player experience being unbearable is a personal opinion. For me, the new player experience is borderline unbearable WITHOUT wpvp.
Saying that there's no meaningful world pvp anyway is a bit of a projection also. Players enjoying content makes it meaningful, whether you put any value on it or not.
I don't really mean to argue that "most people want a pvp realm." I'm more trying to point out that the premise of one being better than the other because of an arbitrary "this ruins my fun" based argument is simply the same case on both sides. People who ENJOY PvP realms will have their fun ruined if it's a PvE realm. People who ENJOY PvE realms will have their fun ruined if they get attacked while out in zones. I'm mostly just arguing that it's an even trade-off, either way.
Also, that's not being pedantic lol.
Certainly you're entitled to your personal thoughts, just as much as anyone else is. Probably moreso, being a moderator here.
I don't really view it as 'interfering with other people's fun,' but I'm sure that that's the end result in some cases. For me, GETTING attacked unexpectedly is even more fun than attacking another level 60 (70, 80, whatever). It's the rush that comes from the surprise, and the satisfaction of repelling an attacker. That's up there with the most fun things in the game for me, actually, next to downing heroic bosses for the first time, and winning arena matches.
xpI know this is a topic-jump, but re-reading lots of posts, I've seen multiple assumptions that each expansion will be one year in duration. Was this stated/confirmed somewhere and I just missed it? I read back through and couldn't find it anywhere in this thread.
that's the main issue with gankers, griefers and world buff dispellers
Coming from other games with no pvp, the alliance vs horde tension while leveling/exploring is what makes the game worth playing. My interest in this realm would definitely dissipate if it was pve only.
as long as bgs are out early there wont be too much griefing, however there are so many things to PVP for in the world, you gotta make it PVP server else you lose out on so much content
There you go.
This is why I think a hybrid PVP/PVE realm sounds good. Those who 'enjoy' getting ganked can go to the worldPVP enabled zones(STV, Hillsbrad, Tanaris etc sound like good places to do worldPVP) as well as keep their worldPVP flag active to enable ganking of them everywhere. Turning PVP hotspots like STV, Hillsbrad, Tanaris etc into worldPVP active zones will still leave plenty of room for PVE focused players to do their PVE without getting dragged into a cesspool of worldPVP.
Now, if you are unable to repel your attacker will you still have fun? What if the enemy faction completely dominates worldPVP, will you enjoy getting ganked and being unable to repel them? As in the linked video in this thread evidently you will quit playing or join the opposite faction and only a handful will be left playing in the weaker faction. Didn't look like fun but a massive turn off, worldPVP here is driving away people in droves instead of attracting them.
I literally can't understand the fuzz and complaints about the server being PvP, are you guys for real? It's called World of Warcaft, the whole lore of the game is based upon the conflict between the horde and alliance! Do I hate griefers and low level gangkers? You bet I do! But you are willing to sack half of the game content for you own sake of peace to level up in the most pacifist way killing chickens and boars, while you have RDF and most likely 5x exp rates? Give me a break for real. Having RDF is already killing half of the wPvP in itself, where in vanilla it has the biggest foothold.
Complain about world buffs meta (this sh*t needs to be out of the game)
Complain about ( I haven't seen a server implementing this and I have no idea why, maybe there is) making killing 15+lvl players below your level to count as dishonorable kills. Even though this slightly opens a door for another way for griefers it will significantly reduce those sc*mbags killing the low lvls leveling up.
Don't kill the equal lvl ~ PvP in the open world, because you can't and are not wiling to bind 20 buttons on your keyboard and you are having only fun face rolling 3-4 buttons on your keyboard so you can't answer an attack from the opposite faction. If the open world is so dangerous for you, you have RDF in vanilla with so high rates that you will never have to encounter PvP while leveling!
And phase 1 has no brackets so most of the PvPers won't even bother to waste time. With those rate you will have enough time to lvl up before phase 2.
If you used wotlk talents you most likely wouldnt need to tune down the bosses for 25 man. It would also solve the dead spec problem in classic and have a whole new meta.
I'm pre sure blizz intended to have you sacrifice a level 55 to create a DK, would stop all the DK people from crying about losing progression and also stop people from inevitably having to re roll their tanks(warrior) when it gets to wotlk.
Faction changes later for belf/draenei
5X seems fine, if enough people actually play 1X on the beta then maybe 2-3X might keep people happier
Name is dope
An updated ranking system would be nice too, something like the new system they are putting in Era servers or just buying gear for honor with R14 requiring months to earn.
Server sounds so sick tho can't wait to throw away 3 years of my life xo