I don't think anyone discussed this at all, or it might not concern anyone, but I have a concern of my own:
My only concern atm is the end of each season. what is putting me off from trying these seasonal realms is the fact that at the end, my character will be moved to Icecrown. As a Lordaeron only player, my chars in Icecrown will be dead to me.
Is there any chance that we will be able to choose to move to lordaeron instead? or is this final and out of question?
The main reason for preventing the move from Frostmourne to Lordaeron was the cash shop, since Lordaeron is a "No-cashshop" realm. But since Lordaeron is pretty much progressed atm and end content has been cleared years ago, maybe it would be a possibility now?
on the other hand some players on Lordaeron might complain about players moving from Onyxia to Lordaeron with "cash shop SM and HC ICC gear" which will imbalance the realm drastically.
I don't know a work around this but I hope we find a middle ground solution.
Finally, as a veteran player from the old moltenwow, hats off to the warmane team for being around all these years delivering quality content and reliable long-term servers.