why do you think x5 is good? like someone said before expie is boring and tiring. the sooner people hit level 60 the better. So why don't we do x100 right away?
Because x5 is far away from x100, that's why. x5 is 1/20th of 100. While x1 is 1/5th of 5. See the massive difference? Should I tell you how big difference is there between x1 and x100? If you want slow level, I suppose the adjustable rate could use the x0.5 rate option, since y'all love snailing around so much.
x5 allows players to level at relatively good rate, not a snail pace, and not that fast either (assuming the base exp and level gaps are based on Vanilla for its duration). x5 is QoL improvement.
we dont have confirmation on how the pvp system gonna work, i doubt they will go the vanilla way. wpvp is also alot about competing for resources, world bosses, its big part of vanilla especially and the reason its gonna be PVP for sure 100%
so, no vanilla system, wpvp will be a thing and a pvp realm. for you, that's how you think.
okey bro
why do you think x5 is good? like someone said before expie is boring and tiring. the sooner people hit level 60 the better. So why don't we do x100 right away?
insta with no gear and money? i know the spectrum is big but just don't make it bigger. also bg's in low lvl is a thing. a real thing, not an *****ic wpvp thing
Because x5 is far away from x100, that's why. x5 is 1/20th of 100. While x1 is 1/5th of 5. See the massive difference? Should I tell you how big difference is there between x1 and x100? If you want slow level, I suppose the adjustable rate could use the x0.5 rate option, since y'all love snailing around so much.
x5 allows players to level at relatively good rate, not a snail pace, and not that fast either (assuming the base exp and level gaps are based on Vanilla for its duration). x5 is QoL improvement.
I guess I just have a different point of view. like i said, on x5 people will get lvl 60 too fast on all possible alts.
Anyway, you agreed earlier that an NPC that could change class racials is a great idea, and players on the forum have also confirmed that it's a good idea.
Will NPCs be introduced?
I'd love to play a tauren hunter, but looking at the racials, I'm forced to play a troll...
Anyway, you agreed earlier that an NPC that could change class racials is a great idea, and players on the forum have also confirmed that it's a good idea.
Will NPCs be introduced?
The same one that will let you switch to the MLP prestige class.
I guess I just have a different point of view. like i said, on x5 people will get lvl 60 too fast on all possible alts.
Anyway, you agreed earlier that an NPC that could change class racials is a great idea, and players on the forum have also confirmed that it's a good idea.
Will NPCs be introduced?
I'd love to play a tauren hunter, but looking at the racials, I'm forced to play a troll...
This person looks very similar to the 5 year old Rokos476 who kept spamming the same thing and got banned; so now came with a different account to say the same thing?
This person looks very similar to the 5 year old Rokos476 who kept spamming the same thing and got banned; so now came with a different account to say the same thing?
Well, now you kinda forced us to stop just watching him dig himself into an even deeper hole...
For PVP and PVE, I recommend using honor rewards to limit advanced players from killing lower players. Players of the same level are rewarded with X2, kills below level 5 are rewarded with X1, kills below level 5 are rewarded with 0, kills above level 10 are rewarded with -X1, kills below level 15 are rewarded with -X2.....
This server is a good idea, and I was looking forward to it but then I saw that it will be vanilla talents/skills in vanilla and so on, that made me unsure.
Consequences of leaving it like this:
1. No horde paladin and alliance shaman. I don't think you need any arguments to change it, it is more obvious than anything that these should be available from day 1. They are not gamebreaking in any way, they just add 2 more low level zones to do quests in and that's it.
2. A lot of classes will be useless in PVE with vanilla talents and skills (tbc not as bad, but that's a year away):
- boomkins are total garbage in vanilla raiding
- feral tanks are also fairly bad in dungeons, possible to do in raids, but still fairly awful
- so are ret paladins.
- paladin tanking doesn't work or nowhere near as good as it should
- spriests are not particularly good in raids, no idea disc priests, probably even worse than spriests
- hunters are fairly bad in vanilla pve
- shamans dps are awful in vanilla pve
3. Because you also intend to change the raid size to 25 instead of 40 and there were mentions of overtuning raids, you encourage minmaxing. So useless classes will likely be left out of the raids, because the group will need to be strong enough to clear the raid and can't carry deadweights. In vanilla with 40 slots, people could carry 5-10 suboptimal classes no problem.
This is an issue, because let's say you want to play spriest or w/e bad vanilla dps class, that will eventually be good, you have to either make it through vanilla not raiding, or not having a regular raidspot, or you have to be healer, which you may not want, so the first year for you is a bad year that you just need to survive, or don't even play the server till TBC. (and this goes to other bad dps classes too like boomkins, retpalas and a lot more)
Or reroll once every expansion...
4. The only real good tank will be warrior, and a sort of acceptable 2nd feral. No other classes, so if you want to play tank, but not warrior, well you skip vanilla or play something else. Again this puts the server up to a slow start and discourages some more players.
5. In vanilla every class that can heal, will be made to heal during a raid, because their dps specs are not viable, especially true with overtuned raids. Further limiting class choice, or those people that don't want to heal, won't have regular raid spots, or just have to play something else for a year, and later reroll. Or keep their future main as an alt in vanilla :D :D
"What's your main?"
"uuh I have this enh shaman, but I can't really play it, because the raid won't take me unless I heal so atm I play combat rogue. but it's not really my main. But it kinda is. But not quite. :( "
6. Death Knights would not be possible, they don't have vanilla talents and skills. So DK players can... wait 2 years? :D
7. 1 more thing! Because warriors and rogues are so good in vanilla and needed to clear the overtuned content, a lot of people will play them, but these classes are so bad in TBC, people would have to switch around at the start of TBC, either reroll or suffer through TBC until WOTLK comes and they become better again or who knows. And this might mean a lot of people if guilds go for class stacking strategies like 1 full group of rogues, 1 full group of warrior, 1 group of mages and a few of the rest of the classes here and there.
What I think is a good solution:
1. wotlk talents and skills from day 1
2. belf and draenei from day 1
3. overtune raids to compensate for wotlk skills (leave vanilla raids as 40man difficulty but allow only 25 players inside)
You could also do DKs from day 1, start at level 1 in regular zones, for example human DK start in elwynn forest (disable DK starter area and quests), but that would be a lot of custom and... who likes DKs anyway :D
Content progression:
Vanilla phase 2 makes little sense
Dire Maul should be phase 1, it's just a dungeon
Azuregos Kazzak should be Phase 3 with BWL, that makes it possible to skip an entire phase which surves almost no purpose as wbosses are only content for top end guilds and average players won't ever even see them alive, and to DM there is nothing really just a couple item upgrades (in classic I didn't feel much of an impact from these).
So for most players P1-P2 transition will be like "nothing happened", P1 just got X months longer.
XP rate: irrelevant, idk why people discuss this. wotlk talents/skills are a lot more important
PVE server preferable, but with 5x rates and RDF I think I could avoid getting ganked for the most part, still I dislike worldpvp.
XP rate: irrelevant, idk why people discuss this. wotlk talents/skills are a lot more important
PVE server preferable, but with 5x rates and RDF I think I could avoid getting ganked for the most part, still I dislike worldpvp.
this post assumes a lot of stuff that is unconfirmed, we will have to wait for beta to see :) Dire maul has a lot of great gear that invalidates a lot of other dungeons, even some loot from raids, thats why it shouldnt be out from the getgo. Phase 2 could be probably shorter, we will have to wait and see how fast the phases come. PVP server is the way, it makes the world so much more alive and sure ganking is part of it, but with 5x and rdf there is really no reason to complain about it.
wotlk talents and skills would break the game, everything would be a cakewalk.
Yes a lot of specs are not optimal, however the plus for that is the class identity, also with no debuff limit there might come some surprises as to what is and isnt viable. Warlocks can now fully DoT, so can Spriest, Balance druid.
Raids being 25man allows for faster gearing, which is needed in this seasonal faster paced realm.
We dont know how hard the content will be, we have to check that out in beta :)
Hi all,
XP rate: irrelevant, idk why people discuss this. wotlk talents/skills are a lot more important
PVE server preferable, but with 5x rates and RDF I think I could avoid getting ganked for the most part, still I dislike worldpvp.
It's true with RDF you can kind of avoid a lot of potential for ganking out in the world. But...I like questing. It's fun to be out in the world. I'd hate to feel compelled to just sit in a city and do dungeons all day.
some people want 30 min cd recklessness instead of 3-5 min, a thunderclap/swipe that hits 4 enemies. or they just really don't care at all, they just want to ambush lows and spam shadowbolt/frost bolt in raids.